The Doctor Dances

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"Go to your room!" Scolded the Doctor as if he was addressing a disobedient child.

I opened my eyes in surprise at his intervention, hope blooming in my chest. The masked people stopped talking and moving at once.

"Go to your room!" Repeated the Doctor.

The zombies bent their heads to one side like a young scolded child who didn't really understand everything.

"I mean it! I am very, very angry with you! You even made your mummy very sad!" He scolded, coming up to me and hugging me as if I were a crying mother.

Having no choice but to play his game, I put my hands on the eyes and lean forward a little, like a weeping angel. I simulated a sob that sounded really wrong, but seemed real to people with a gas mask. The bodies, by the way, looked at me since the Doctor mentioned me as their mother.

The Doctor suddenly pointed a random direction as he finished his act.

"Go... To... Your... ROOM!"

Miraculously, all turned away gently and returned to their beds without a sound. As soon as everyone was in bed and we were sure they weren't going to get back up, we relaxed. I sighed with relief and I landed harshly on the floor, enjoying the coolness of the stone.

"I'm very glad that worked. Those would've been terrible last words."

"By the way, do I look like a mother to you?" I asked to the Doctor.

"I had to improvise," he said, shrugging his shoulders.

I give up and I lay flat on the floor, my arms spread, legs crossed and my gaze on the ceiling. Rose went to sit next to me and Jack went to the free chair at the center. I unfortunately couldn't stay where I was because the Doctor grabbed my arm and pulled me up saying I shouldn't lie on the floor like a homeless person. Technically I am; I'm a homeless person. I've been squatting at Jackie's since I came in this world and I've been squatting in the TARDIS since he wanted me to be with him, although I'm starting to see the TARDIS as my new home recently.

I headed for the office, packing things up a bit before sitting on a table and crossing my legs. I looked at the Doctor, daring him to change my place.

"Why do they all wear gas masks?" Asked Rose a little bit confused.

"They're not," corrected Jack. "They're made of flesh and blood."

Rose looked a bit disgusted at the revelation and I suddenly started thinking about something. The transformation must have been extremely painful. I didn't want to imagine the pain and the fear of transformation.

"How was your con supposed to work?" Asked the Doctor.

"It's really very simple," began Jack. "I'm looking for a harmless piece of space-junk. I'm attracting a Time Agent who thinks it's expensive and we set a price. As soon as he has paid half, oops! A German bomb falls on it, destroying it forever. He'll never see his purchase, he won't know that I have conned him. I buy him a drink with his money while together we curse his bad luck. The perfect con," finished Jack.

"Yeah... perfect," admitted the Doctor reluctantly.

"The London Blitz is great for self-cleaning, but Pompeii is nice for holidays. But it is better to set an alarm clock for volcano day!" Laughed Jack.

The Doctor said nothing and kept staring at him, boiling with anger.

I think I laughed the first time Jack made this joke in the series, but after seeing the episode of Pompeii, I always had trouble with this joke. He didn't know, after all, that so many were killed in order to save the planet. The Doctor and Donna, did this together.

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