New Earth

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Despite the fact that I kissed the Doctor, my relationship to the Doctor didn't change, even though I really wanted it to. Finally, there were changes but it was clearly because of the regeneration. Nine's grumpiness was missing, but I appreciated the fatigue-free, curious energy ball the Doctor had become, even his puppy eyes. He was the kind of gentleman who came out quite often from his mania to lean a little on the side so that his shoulder is at the same level as the person with whom he spoke - me or Rose for example. And when he was leaning over and wasn't walking, he crossed his legs so that one of his shoes would tiptoe the floor, just as he was constantly putting his hands in his pockets.

Let's talk about his costume. He had several! He didn't have a single suit that he had every night, no sir, he had several, a dozen to be exact. When I asked him why, he answered me with a confused look.

"Why would I change clothes when this one suits me very well?"

Anyway. I discovered every day a new curiosity, a new quirk about the Doctor. For example, his craving for licking anything and dipping his fingers into something before licking it. It started with the black cherry jam jar. The Doctor, who wanted to test his new taste buds, pushed his index finger into the pot before coming out covered with black-purple jam and push it into his mouth. Jackie needed a new toaster and while I volunteered to go buy it - accompanied by the Doctor, because Rose wanted to take advantage of her friends - there was a moment where I had to concentrate to make a choice between two grids loaves, leaving the Doctor unattended. When I made my choice and I turned with the product in my arms it was to see the Doctor, tongue out a few inches from another toaster.

It was about that time that I decided to take a little white notebook with a pencil and eraser to write down everything the Doctor couldn't lick - which I used from time to time and to draw when I was bored or to write down really important things - before I made a powerpoint that I was going to present him before he thought about licking something toxic. Higher physiology maybe but with logic, please. It was with annoyance and a hint of amusement that I ordered the Doctor to rest the cooking device he had in his hands and that I had forbidden any taste experience that didn't include food; not even his pout would change my mind.

That's how the two weeks went in London - Jackie having ordered that we don't leave the Earth until the new years - it was a particularly painful moment for me because I was in charge of the Doctor, who couldn't endure a normal life. There was a moment when the idea of knocking out the Doctor and locking him in a room that didn't open from the inside without his sonic screwdriver crossed my mind.

But finally came the moment of departure, that the Doctor blessed with great joy and gratitude, perhaps a little too much; Jackie had taken it badly.

We were finally in the Tardis. The Doctor threw his coat over a coral branch before heading to the console and switching on the switches quietly. I watched the room light up happily and we shared a smile and a look as the rotor started and the Tardis' iconic grinding echoed in the room and in our ears. Rose came in a few minutes later after saying goodbye to her mother and Mickey. She put her bags and coat in a corner of the room and got rid of her pink hat. We looked at her for a moment with a smile.

The Doctor asked us to help him in the piloting and I advanced ready to listen to the instructions, just like Rose.

"So, where are we going this time?" Rose asked.

"Further than we've ever gone before," the Doctor replied, leaning toward her.

"Future? Ooh I like the future, we don't go often in the future," I commented turning a button.

"What about 2012 with Van Statten?" Rose asked with a raised eyebrow

"Nah, that's the past for me, not a brilliant year, in fact. 2019 me, remember?" I told her, patting my collarbone with one finger.

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