School Reunion

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Travel mug filled with tea in hand, shoulder bag on the shoulder and heap of leaves in my arms, I quickly walked down the hall in a very specific direction. I nodded my head to the teachers who did the same. The hallways were filled with students chatting with each other, talking about what they had done or seen the old woman after school. I entered the room which was gradually filling with students. I settled at my table, placing my mug on the light and worn wood and putting my bag on the desk to take out a notebook and a case. The bell rang, and the children went to their seats to sit in silence, waiting for their teacher.

"Bonjour, tout le monde. J'espère que vous avez fait vos travaux parce que je ramasse." I greeted with a mischievous smile.

" ... J'espère on peut garder le contact!"

"J'espère que nous pourrons garder le contact, Brown." I corrected. "You have still forgotten the relative pronoun, for you it may seem like an oversight, but in France if you forget it when you say something you will pass for an idiot. "

"Sorry, miss," said the blonde girl, sitting on her chair.

"It doesn't matter, you'll do better next time. I fully understand that French is extremely complicated for you children, there are so many rules and so many ways to conjugate verbs. Know that even I am sometimes wrong. A large part of French people including myself still make mistakes in French. Mistakes that are less noticeable than the one you made. French language is a complex and ancient language which has existed for centuries and which has evolved, but English is a young language which has its roots in German and French," I taught, writing the lesson on the blackboard. "Vous ferez des fautes, tout le monde fait des fautes ; mais il faut apprendre de vos erreurs pour ne plus les refaire ensuite. Vous comprenez?"

The bell rang and as the students moved to put their things away I called out to them.

"Attendez une minute! Vous pensez partir sans noter le travail à faire? Je sais que ce n'est amusant mais vous êtes ici pour travailler."

The students groaned and took a pen to write down the work to be done.

"Pour le prochain cours, je veux que vous me fassiez des recherches sur les fables de Jean de Lafontaine et ses fables les plus connue, nous allons travailler sur ces textes au niveau de l'écriture et de votre oral," I said, noting the name on the board. "Bon appétit tout le monde!"

The students answered the same thing and quickly left the classroom to go to the self. I put my things away and brought them to the teachers' room and then joined a particular teacher at the self. I took my tray and went to get the food, not forgetting to take a fruit. When I received my hot dish, I met Rose's dark eyes and offered her a sheepish smile before leaving with my tray and joining the Doctor at an empty table.

"Doctor," I greeted

"Alvia, it's so good to see you. How was your morning?"

"I understand now how irritating the students could be. My second class was horrible, all this chatter ... I think I'm starting to get a headache," I moaned.

"And at the school level?"

"Their accent is horrible, but I think it's something universal, some people forget words in their sentences, but I noticed one or two students who despite their horrible accent had no mistakes, like the written. They're the same ones who corrected me when I made a mistake that I didn't even know it existed. It's impossible to know French as well at their age, even when I was young I hadn't learned everything yet."

"I had a student who had much more advanced knowledge than he should have."

"Let me guess, the child who has knowledge superior to human knowledge?"

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