Rise of the Cybermen

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Suggest that everything was perfect in the Tardis would be a lie. Yes indeed, I was living a great love pleasure with the Doctor; even if we were keeping our relationship secret from Rose and Mickey. Mickey was sort of my new 'Jack', although the big brother and flirting thing was exclusive to the Captain, but Mickey was a good friend and I shared some nice jokes and great times with him, Rose who had not been happy about him coming on the Tardis sometimes seemed to forget that he was there with us, the Doctor too. And my relationship with Rose was... how can I explain it?

Let's just say we were small-scale replicators of the Cold War. We were looking at each other with cold, black eyes, ignoring each other as much as possible; and we were ready to bust out at the first sign of an argument. I was still mad at her for the slap she gave me. I kept all this anger hidden deep inside me; and sometimes I had the strange feeling of hearing a whispering voice in the deepest part of my mind, whispering to me, murmuring to me, muttering to me, susuring to me to let me go, to ravage everything, to annihilate the one who caused me pain, to abandon myself entirely in this nameless rage and fury... during those moments I was terrified. Scared of myself and the idea that I could let myself go. Scared of that voice that seemed to reflect the darkest ribs of my Being. But in those dark moments that haunted me, the Doctor would suddenly stand by my side, like a salvation light. And he would bring me back to the reality without knowing it, he would muffle that voice until I could no longer hear it and all my dark thoughts and desires for chaos would be just a simple bad memory. In the end it all ended for the best, but I knew that one day it would no longer be the case.

Anyway, as water boiled for tea and I waited for my piece of toast to finish grilling, I could hear the laughs from Rose and the Doctor coming emanating from the console room. My toast finally jumped out of the toaster, hot and crisp as I liked it; and I poured the water into my mug. Tea infused while I buttered my toast and walked to the console room, mug in hand and toast in mouth.

As I got there, I saw Rose and the Doctor remembering an adventure as Mickey watched them with a finger stuck on a button. I immediately frowned when I saw that Mickey's arm was shaking a bit because of the strain. After eating the last bite of my toast, I walked down the stairs and made my presence evident.

"Mickey, I think you can leave that button alone. Judging by what I saw, the Doctor completely forgot you." I said as I took a sip of my tea and glancing blankly at the sitting duo.

"Since when I could stop?" Mickey asked after he got his arm back.

The Doctor stammered looking for the right words, hoping not to cause a problem by revealing that Mickey could have let go of the button from the very beginning.

"You've just forgotten Mickey, Doctor!" I growled severely as I put my mug on the ground and folded my arms. "And you, Rose, why are you standing there chewing your thumb and giggling? He's your boyfriend! Have some respect for him! Ever since he arrived on the Tardis you've treated him like he was nothing! That's not an acceptable conduct, especially from you, Doctor!"

The Doctor and Rose had the decency to be sorry.

"Sorry..." Apologised the Doctor. "But I know what I was doing!" He tried in vain. "I was calibrating, everything was perfect!"

And to prove otherwise, the console exploded suddenly and violently. Sparks and flames erupted. The heat grazed and licked my face and I narrowly avoided a burn on my face. The Doctor knelt down in front of the console and frantically tried to get the Tardis working while Rose, Mickey and I gripped onto the nearest and most stable thing in the room. The lights were flickering as the console made a very strange noise as everything flipped and shook suddenly.

"What's happened ?" Rose asked.

"The Time Vortex is gone! It can't be!" Exclaimed the Doctor with alarm. "It's just gone! Brace yourselves! We're gonna crash!"

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