Love Is On His Way

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Kīppon was a small nation compared to Shina and it was an island taken over by thick jungle and marshes so for centuries Shina paid it no mind that is until they tried to attack a ship from Kīppon that was carrying gold only to have their entire fleet destroyed by one small ship.

The Shina empire soon learned that the Kīppon nation had more advanced technology than them even knowing how to maximize their agriculture 11 times over even though they're Island was so small by creating floating crop fields and crops that were grown literally hanging upside down and every home no matter where it was located in their nation had free access to running water buy rustproof pipes that were built underneath the city and cleaned by natural growing purifying algae.

People in the Kingdom of Kīppon didn't have to walk for miles to get water they could have it hot or cold whenever they wanted and the prices of coal were incredibly cheap because of their distribution system and discoveries of different resources and those resources didn't just extend to technology they also extended to their education and the welfare of their people.

Even though meat was expensive the government found a way to make sure that they're people got extra protein by giving them free soy curd that they could come to get whenever they desired at the hospital and also annual waivers so that they could buy as much free food as they wanted from festivals.

The magic cultivation was also incredibly strong all people had access to education even expensive cultivation education so they were a nation of people with great power some of them even had greater power than some of the highest trained generals on Shina nation.

Shina invaded the small island nation many times attempting to take it over and use their knowledge for themselves however they were defeated every time like it was nothing no matter how big their armadas or how many spies they sent they were all defeated and their defeat was always great and catastrophic for them while the people of the small island nation we're left virtually unaffected.

The kingdom of Kīppon mercilessly defeated all of its enemies with time and energy to spare even Shina the largest empire in the world could not even scratch them.

For centuries the two nations have always had this frustrating relationship often with Shina doing whatever it could to try and take over with Kīppon besting them at everything even managing to take three more Islands however a lot of trouble that was going on in the government of Shina they were left vulnerable at the coastline and attacked several times by another nation and had to rely on Kīppon to defeat that other nation which they did with ease and with the famine coming even to some parts the capitol the Shina empire did not have nearly enough men or supplies to defend the coastline of their nation on their own leaving them with one choice… to ask their greatest rival for their aid!

Not everyone supported this however with more and more entire cities being taken over and supplies of what little food was left being thrown into the ocean they were left with no choice but to try and arrange a meeting for an alliance between Shina and Kīppon.


In Kyopa the capital of Kīppon the Imperial Palace of the Omoeshe royal family rose high above the trees with it's bright red and pink paint almost shining in the orange autumn sunshine like a majestic symbol of ancient power and a strong fortune.

But it the courtyards filled with brilliant and beautiful plants and rock and water gardens are alive with the sounds of children playing.

They play with the king's cats and play in the puddles with the sleepy coy fish and the king's pet ducks or with the balls and swings the king had set out for them.

At first, one would think that they had to be the king's children but at a second glance, one would see that they were children of all classes both rich and even servants children.

On a balcony overlooking the courtyard, the king stood with his face resting in his hand as a soft smile shown brightly on his pale face while he looked at the children playing and he couldn't help but feel a bit sad.

The way he always did when he saw children, they made him so happy that it hurt him, even more when he was forced to remember that...he didn't have any children of his own to love.

He had tried for children as hard as he could even with the help of magic and medicine with all of his harem but nothing! No children...not one but he couldn't say that he was surprised.

He was not an alpha but he also was not an omega either, in fact, he was more or less something in between, he was a beta which was incredibly rare and easy to recognize since alpha were large with muscles and omega were small and pretty but beta were tall like alpha but skinny like omega and while most alphas had deep voices and omega had soft one's beta had voices that were more of a falsetto.

But the thing that came to most peoples minds when they thought of betas was that they had a hard time in the bedroom and were for the most part infertile.

Most people had a bit of trouble with conception when it came to mating with those who were not their true mates but beta had it especially difficult since sex was often unpleasant and it was difficult to even achieve orgasm let alone one that wasn't just shooting blanks but also their hormones were so unbalanced that they were either born sterile or became infertile early in life.

The king was somebody whom his friends called a hopeless romantic and it was true in fact he was sometimes like a girl crying at the sad parts in romance books.

So it was no shock to his friends that he tried to find his mate first even traveling to the west once to find his mate but with no success, however, the king began to wonder if that was a mistake since he wasn't even sure he had a mate since he was a beta and he might have wasted his chances too soon.

He found that watching the children play was one of the only things that made him happy even though at the same time it made him sad.

"Oh, darlings sometimes I find myself wishing that if only you were my own babies!"

He lamented as he watched the children leave since it was getting late and he went to go sit on his lounge and eat some pieces of fruit while he watched his adviser and long-time friend Kenji walk in with some papers for him to look over.

"Maybe you should start to avoid children at more your highness!"

"I keep telling you you to call me Kīde when we're not in court old friend and as sad as they make they also bring me joy!"

His friend sits next to him and takes a slice of coconut before continuing.

"Shina has asked to meet with you again about the Mu-Kang!"

"I have considered it"

"Why? They only want peace between us for their own benefit!"

"Well, such is the nature of politics and any peace we can get is in our favor especially with the Mu-Kang gaining support from Sipore and Taeand!"

"I suppose but I don't know how I feel about you going the Shina without me!"

"I know old friend but I need someone I can trust to take care of things while I'm away!"

"I will miss you!"

Kīde smiles and gives his friend a pat on the shoulder.

"I shall miss you as well!"

He then finishes his papers and the king gets on his ship and waves to his people and his fleet heads of to Shina with the king having no idea that his life will soon be forever changed.

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