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Yashima had tried to stay awake but after he got his fussy son to sleep he rubbed his son's cheek with his thumb then snuggled close to his cute chubby baby.

"You don't know how happy I am to have you my sweet baby!...I only wish your papa could spend this time with you... I'll be honest I'm not the best momma but you are sertinly lucky to have the best papa!"

Yashima then reached out and held Kīde's hand close to their baby's rosy cheeks.

"...Kīde...we love you!"

A few moments passed then suddenly the pink jewel in the center of the baby's forehead sparked with pink light as the baby started to fuss again and the spark traveled up his mother's arm and up into the matching jewel onto his father's forehead.

The moment the spark traveled to Kīde's jewel his eyes shot open glowing brightly then the light slowly faded as he beautiful king blinked his eyes awake.

Kīde quickly rolled over and wrapped his arms around his family and tearfully covered each of their faces with kisses.

"My wonderful son! Your a brand new baby and already such a genius and with a cultivation magic far greater then I have ever seen! You must have gotten all your uniqueness from your amazing momma!"

The baby blinked up sleepily at his father and Kīde picked him up into his arms and touched their foreheads together with a soft smile as he memorized his long awaited child's little face.

The beautiful king had lived so long all alone dreaming of having a family, of having a child of his own to love and at last he held that dream in his arms.

"You're so cute my son! So much more beautiful than I could have ever imagined in all my wildest dreams!"

Kīde felt tears welling up in his eyes as he rocked his newborn baby son while he promised to his son all the fun they were going to have in the future.

"I'm going to show you how to make your own tree fort and how to make the coolist sand castles ever but of course you still have some growing to do so for now I'll shower you with gifts!"

He gave his son a final kiss then tucked him back with his mother whereapon the sleepy baby let out a yawn.

"Yashima...thank you for bringing such happiness into my life!" 


Yashima had a nightmare of his husband never waking again but his lips were met with the familiar lips of his beautiful king.

The two lovers embraced relieved to be able to put that frightful moment behind them so they could they could both adore their baby.

"Oh Kīde I was so worried please don't hurt yourself again! I don't want our baby to miss out on having such a wonderful father"

"I'm sorry my little love I didn't mean to scare you like that but I love you and our son enough to go through hell and back inorder to protect you both!"

Yashima smiled and the two of them cradled their baby together happy beyond words.

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