Yashima Wakes Up

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Yashima was overwhelmed to the point of feeling faint but suddenly he begins to look around again and as he sees his healed wounds he starts to wonder how he came to be here.

But how?

How am I here

My baby and I are both safe and warm

...could it be?

No, it couldn't be, could it?

My mate really did come for me after all 

He then got up and slowly and was about to get out of bed to look around more when he looked to the floor of his bedside and gasped as he jumped back at seeing his mysterious mate laying on the floor.


He felt his heart pound in his chest the same way it did when he had first met the man months ago and he again shuffled over to the bedside to lean over and look.

He was still as strange and as beautiful as Yashima had remembered him to be with his strange clothes decorated with little fish and flowers and his long shiny black hair all around him like ribbons.

I suppose that I should have known since only a man as beautiful as you would have such pretty things

He thought as he gazed down at the pale face in wonder for what seemed like forever letting his eyes scan over that soft face noticing things that he had never noticed before like the black and red makeup on his eyelids and pink lipstick.

He had never seen a man wear makeup before and as strange as it was it seemed to fit the lovely man making him both beautiful and handsome at once.

He also had sparkly ruby earrings that matched the pretty hairpins that we're struggling to contain the long black hair.

"You're not an omega but you don't look like an alpha either!...you are strange but in a way that is different than me!... you're… beyond words!"

He felt like he was going to cry then he felt a small kick and he smiled as he rubbed his belly lovingly while he collapsed back into the pillows since he was still tired.

Sweet little one papa came for us

Papa really is kind

He started to cry as he thought about everything until he felt a soft and warm touch caress the side of his face and with a shock, he looked up to see the dark-haired king himself now up and awake looking down at him with wide brown and amethyst eyes.

Yashima didn't know how to face his mate or how to talk to him, what was he to say? What if he said something wrong?

His mate was was beautiful beyond reason and was a king no less so Yashima didn't think that someone as lowly as himself deserved such love.

Yashima backed away from the king's touch and hid behind his hands and blankets unsure of what to do.

He was scared and he didn't know what to do or say but he had no idea that his cowering broke the king's heart.

"Oh, I'm so sorry my darling I didn't mean to scare you! I was just worried!... Of course, you would be scared of me… I wasn't there for you!"  The king said tearfully as he backed away to the side of the bed.

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