Wedding Plans

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Meanwhile far away unaware of everything happening in Shina the proud royal family of Kīppon were busy adoring their son.

"Coo coo who is the cutest prince it's you!" 

Said Kīde as he laid on his belly in front of his happy son who was laying propped up on a pillow looking up sleepily but happily at his parents.

Yashima snuggled up to his sleepy baby and kissed his son to sleep.

"Yashima my little love I have been thinking about some things"

"...what things?"

"well first off I know we haven't thought too much about names but I was wondering how you would feel about the name Hiro for our little angel?"

"it sounds beautiful!"

"it was my mother's name...she would have loved you!"

"That means a lot to me and I'm sure having such a name will be an honor"

Kīde blushed and then scooted up next to Yashima making a mess of all his long thick robes which he then pulled over Yashima and Hiro to help keep them warm.

"And I've been meaning to ask you something about us but I've been too afraid that you would say no" 

Was suddenly concerned.

"what is it?..."

"Well I have already accepted you as my queen but I was wondering if you would like to have an official royal wedding?"


"It's okay if you don't want to!"

Yashima started to cry and kissed Kīde deeply.

"You mean it! You really want to marry me?"

"Yes of course I'd love to marry you a million times!"

"You don't know what that means to me! I've always dreamed of my wedding day!"

Kīde kissed Yashima back and then smiled into his brown eyes.

"I want you to have the wedding of your dreams! You deserve it for you have made me more happy than I can ever put into words! what do you say let's snuggle our little bun!"

Yashima smiled and the two of them cradled their new son together fawning over his chubby cheeks.

"Yashima what is your favorite colors?"

"I dunno what kind of question is that?"

"An important one since I wish to buy you many fancy silks and gifts for you!"

"what?... Oh no I haven't done anything to deserve anything fancy like that!"

"Oh come on that's not true you made a very cute baby!"

Said Kīde with a smile as he kissed Yashima tenderly.

"Besides it is a husband's duty to spoil his wife so I better start practicing!"

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