Can You Feel The Love Tonight

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Yashima had cried for days when Kīde was gone and could hardly imagine how he lived so long without him in his life.

It seemed that Hiro missed his papa also so he too cried for days when he was usually an astonishingly well behaved and quiet baby who was content to just laugh and giggle by himself with his favorite stuffed animal but now he had tossed the toy aside and wailed through all hours of the night and especially if his mother tried to leave him for even the slightest moment.

Yashima's arms ached almost as bad as the days when he was forced to scrub the floors but not nearly as bad as his heart ached when he saw his son begin to calm down for the first time in days when his chubby little hands grabbed onto one of his father's silks.

"It still smells nice just like papa hmm... I promise sweetheart he won't be gone for too much least I don't think so!"

After awhile when Hiro finally went to sleep all cuddled up with his daddy's silk robe despite the aching in Yashima's back and the bags under his eyes the golden beauty took the opportunity to clean up the messy room (even though he had servants) and take his first bath in awhile.

Kenji had stopped by every now and then to check up on his best friend's family and had begun to notice just how restless poor Yashima was and when he had later spoken to his wife about his concerns she made a very good point that poor Yashima hadn't had a break.

She was right!

Between getting rescued and then having a baby Yashima hadn't had any time to himself so he decided that when Kīde came back he would talk to him about it... Under the order of his wife of course.

When Kīde returned he immediately got to work fortifying the kingdom and creating back up after back up plan until he became a restless mess.

Yashima began to worry about why his husband had not come to visit him and his worries grew and grew.

This is it isn't it

He's grown tired of me

I can't blame him after all who would want a whore as a bride but it hurts so much

If it weren't for my precious baby I don't know I could go on…

I almost wish that he had been cruel to me so that my heart would not be flooded with love when I think of him

I don't know how long I've cried for and it makes me feel like a bad mama for I'm sure it's affecting my poor boy 

In Shina it is said that mother must not weep for it will turn the milk sour

I suppose it must be true so I try not to cry but no matter what I do it won't stop

Kīde I love you please don't go away

You're the greatest thing that has ever happened to me and I know I don't deserve you but still I love you…

I don't know if I've ever told you just how much I love you and I don't know if I can I'm not as smart as you I don't big fancy words so I don't even know if I could fathom anyway of telling you how beautiful you are to me

Or how much you mean to me

I could try but it would all come out sounding stupid I suppose though that is simply because I am stupid

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