The Crown Prince

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Complete terror and horrible pain, it was almost completely overwhelming, at first Yashima was shy of all the healers but as the pain continued to rip through him the only thought on his mind was that of his child and his only comfort other than all the healing magic and medicine was the presence of Kīde.

Everything is a blur

Everything is moving so fast but so slowly all at once

I don't want to scream out or yell such fowl things but I can't help it

My heart breaks knowing that I have probably said a thing or two that hurt Kīde

But I have never felt such pain before

...such pain and such fear

I can remember hearing about how common it was in Shina for both mother and child to die but I'm not to sure which scares me more

The thought of never being able to watch my child grow

Or the thought of trying to live with myself if my baby didn't make it

My poor sweet baby

You must be scared I'm so sorry

Momma is trying so please

Please be alright

My sweet Kīde is so kind and such a smart healer

He kisses me so sweetly even as I squeeze his hand so tight I feel something snap in my grasp

His voice is deep but so soft and calm like cool water rushing over me

I listen to his careful instructions







And then it all stops

At first there is black but then there is a blinding light and a golt of some sort of power running through my veins 

hot as fire but cold as ice

And his voice rings out clear

He calls to me in an echo that somehow seems so close







And then it all stops again

But this time there is no black 

and there is no light

Only the ringing cry

...of my baby

Yashima is smiling in tears of joy as his nurse happily hands a crying bundle into his outstretched and waiting arms, he pulls back the pink and gold silk to see the sweet little face of the tiny baby with his golden hair and his father's pink crystal on his forehead just like his papa with his momma's golden curls.

"Kīde! He's so beautiful...I can't believe it! He's so perfect!" 

Yashima says through tears of joy as he covers his baby son's face with kisses making the baby quiet down and snuggle up to his momma now very sleepy.

Kīde was smiling softly overwhelmed with tears as he tenderly reached out and caressed his son's cheek.

" baby! My son! At last you are in my life...I'm not sure that there is enough words to tell you how much I love you but perhaps I can give you a name that can! Welcome to the world crown prince Hiro!"

Kīde kissed Yashima and in a soft voice said.

"There is nothing I can ever give to you that would tell you how much I love you my Yashima!" 

Then as he pulled away his smile faded 

"...I'm sorry!" 

He said in a horse voice as blood streamed down from his nose and he collapsed backwards into the arms of Kenji.

Yashima held his now crying son close as his own heart broke seeing the skin and lips of his mate turn pale and a strand of jet black hair turn white.


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