I Can Be Your Hero Baby

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Over the next few weeks king Kīde recovered, leaving only the silvery stripe in his hair to tell of his near death and the couple adjusted to their new lives as new parents.

Yashima cried and panicked often fearing making mistakes but Kīde was always there to listen and help Yashima when he was overwhelmed or when the baby woke them up at three in the morning.

They spent most of their time with Hiro until Kīde was called away to deal with government affairs for a long week.

Yashima knew that it was his husband's duty as a king but he knew he would miss him and hate him being away for so long.

"I suppose though Hiro that papa will want some time away and definitely deserves some time off but I already miss him and he hasn't even left yet!"

Yashima said to his nursing son as he lovingly pet his son's golden hair.

Yashima then saw his said beloved mate make his way across the decadent room followed by some of his servents slowly dragging his long thick robes shining in the sun behind him as his servents fixed up his floor length glossy hair and decorated him with even more fine robes and jewels while he applied colourful makeup to his eyes and lips with his dainty hands.

Yashima watched him with complete fascination for he had never before seen a man wear makeup until his sweetheart, not even most omega men before and he had also started to wonder about why everyone in Kīppon especially Kīde wore so many thick layers of heavy robes.

He noticed that his beloved wore so many thick silks that he could practically be carrying around a whole mattress in fact all the times that he had fallen asleep in his lovers arms he was so well cushioned that he couldn't feel his mate's body and now that he thought about it he couldn't remember ever even seeing his mate's body, not even on the night they met only his face with the smallest flash of his fingers or ankles and he had to admit that it made him curious about what the rest of his mate's body looked like. 

He couldn't even see the slightest outline of Kīde's body through all the thick layers but he could only imagine that his beloved king was rather petite and as he watched his sweet mate check his face in the mirror Yashima felt his face burning up as fire ignited somewhere deep inside him so he quickly turned away.

He was brought out of his thoughts by the sounds of jewelry clinking together in little jingles so he turned to look over at his king who was now sitting next to the bed gazing up at him shyly from behind his sleeves.

"I feel sad having to go away from the most beautiful sight in the world!"

"what sight is that?"  Yashima said blinking down at him with his big eyes.

Kīde's eyes softened and he moved up to Yashima's lap then rested his head on his lap softly then pulled something out of his sleeves to hand to his queen.

"Well it's my queen feeding my sweet little baby of course silly darling!"

The king said sweetly as Yashima gasped at the beautiful pink peony Kīde had gifted to him and he started to cry happily for this was the first time he had been given flowers.

Kīde rose to his feet and kissed Yashima then gently pet their baby's hair as he hummed a soft tune that soothed the chubby baby to sleep.

"You're far too sweet to me...I almost feel like this is all a dream!"

Yashima said then Kīde smiled at him tenderly and as his servent told him it was time to go.

"Oh my little love don't cry! I wish I didn't have to leave you and Hiro but I have government things to do however for every day that I am away I will send you and our adorable bun a gift!"

"Oh you spoil us Kīde!"

"well of course I do, it's my job!"

Yashima giggled at Kīde's sense of humor then kissed his cheek making Kīde blush red as Yashima told his mate lovingly.

"Well I don't care what you do as long as you make sure to come home soon!"

"Oh my little love I couldn't stay away from you for too long even if I wanted to!"

Kīde blushed even more as he kisses Yashima and their baby's foreheads then makes his way off with his attendants. 

Yashima tucked his sweet baby in after singing to him and kissing his sleeping cheeks then sat back down in bed as it dawned on him that for the first time in months he was without his beloved so he couldn't help but feel longing for to calming presence of his mate and for his sweet smell as his mind was slowly flooded with the thoughts of how pretty his darling king's skin must be under all those pesky silks.

He probably hasn't even left the castle yet and I already miss him so much

I wish I wasn't so selfish but I wish I could make him as happy as he makes me

I wish I could feel his skin warm and safe against my own

I don't remember what it felt like other than that it was beautiful and it made me feel beautiful

He had given me the world and more yet there was nothing I could give back to show my love for I did not have money or anything I could give

I feel so useless to him for I have no educational background so I can't help him rule and he knows more about how to care for a baby better than I do…

How on earth could I be a good wife for him?

Wait a moment...I may not know how to be a wife but I spent many years learning how to please alphas

So perhaps as painful as it was...  it can also be a blessing  

I don't know much about Batas other than the stereotypes but it can't be that different than alphas right?

So maybe I can use my body to give him a romantic welcome home the way an omega wife should!

He would like that wouldn't he?

...or would I scare him away since I wasn't able to save my virginity for him and I wasn't as skinny now since having Hiro?

Yashima got up and walked over to his husband's vanity then sat down to look at his reflection in the mirror and he ran his hands through his hair while he looked over his face sadly, taking note of every flaw from his large lips to his slightly crooked nose.

"Kīde is so pretty...he must be a demigod or perhaps descended from fairies! How on earth could such an angle see anything in someone as ugly as me?"


As Kīde looked out to the sea while his ship sailed to the coast he couldn't help but think about his beautiful queen with guilt laying down on his heart for not telling his love the full truth about his purpose away.

He didn't want to scare poor Yashima with news of the mu'kang so soon after the trauma of childbirth and as he looked out to the golden sunrise he couldn't help as his mind filled with thoughts of his sweet little baby holding his finger and the face of his queen who was as beautiful as the golden sun with his large lips that tasted as sweet as honey and his adorably slightly crooked nose making him look as noble as the ancient statues of heros.

"...I'll be back Yashima I promise and I will protect our kingdom and home no matter how great the threat because I have you waiting for me back home with our son... you're my hero!"

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