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Alia had not been able to visit her friend in a long time since he was practically a cleaning slave now and it angered her to know that a creature so sweet and beautiful was treated so badly especially by Rina Lua who was cruel to him out of jealousy.

At first, she was jealous because all the men only spoke of how much of a good lay she was while they spoke of how unique and mysterious Yashima was but she became especially cruel when she learned that the most powerful king in the world fled from her advances no matter how much aphrodisiac wine and pleasure she gave him only to fall into the arms of Yashima.

Alia had tried to confront Rina Lua about her heartlessness but Rina Lua had no care in the world who she hurt even Alia …. her own sister.

Alia slowly walked into Yashima's room with some food she had hidden from her sister and she gently woke him up.

"Here sweety I brought you something!"

She handed him a wrapped up dumping and told him to eat it.

"But my lady will get you in trouble!"

"I don't care! Your little one is probably famished! Now eat up!"

He smiled thankfully then took a small nibble then suddenly before he could stop himself it was like his whole body erupted in hunger.

He was drooling so much he couldn't stop it from flooding his mouth and his stomach was growling so loudly he swore it was echoing in his room then he couldn't help but eat fast almost like he was on autopilot.

"Careful! Don't choke!"

It was like he couldn't even hear her he was just so hungry that he hadn't truly realized how hungry he was.

After he finished he felt so exhausted that he fell backward into her arms feeling the adrenaline rush out of his veins.

"Oh, Yashima you don't deserve this!"

He remembered what he had been waiting to tell her and while he was still weak he turned to face her and told her of his encounter with his child's godfather a few weeks ago.

"Alia my mate! He's coming here!"


He told her the story and as he did so he curled up in her arms shaking with fear.

"Oh Alia what am I supposed to do! How am I supposed to feel!"

"I don't know… do you think he could still somehow be dangerous!"

"I… I don't know! I'm just so afraid of how to come face to face with him!... And remember that story of the brothel down the road where a lord came and took the prostitute's baby away because he had no other heir!"

Alia also felt a chill down her spine at this for while she remembered her last interaction with the king now thinking about it she wasn't sure that the man wouldn't get angry and decide to change his mind and come back and take them away no matter if they liked it or not.

Kings and lords after all in her experience High always been self-conceited and they wanted whatever they thought was theirs or was entitled to become theirs so it wasn't exactly too unusual to think that a king would want to come back for his child and an omega he had a claim too.

She held him closer until the door swung open to reveal Rina Lua standing with her arms crossed angrily.

"So this is where you go when you tell my boss you're supposedly visiting me! You're in the arms of that filthy boy slut!"

"It's not what it looks like!"  Ali said.

"Oh really! I really couldn't care that much about you alpha freak, after all, there's no shame that you could bring to my name that hasn't already been brought on but it's against the rules for the lower-paying prostitutes to have lovers and not bring in money!"

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