Sleeping Together

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Yashima had been extra tired over the past few days as well as extra sore and emotional which he tried to hide from his beloved King but while Kīde was respectful of boundaries he was still his same doting self and also worried for his dear ones.

Yashima was exhausted and didn't seem to want Kīde to leave so he sat on the edge of the bed with Yashima partly resting his head in his lap half asleep.

"Oh, my sweet honey I wish you would tell me what's bothering you so! I'm sure that after everything you've been through it's hard to ask for things you want and need but you deserve heaven and more!"

At the king's statement, Yashima blushed and buried his face into his mate's robes while he mumbled something Kīde could not hear.

"Sweetie please talk to me! It's okay I promise!" He said with a tender voice while he gently stroked the long golden locks.

"Are you sure, your Highness?"

"My little love again you don't have to call me that and yes go ahead!"

Yashima gulped then despite his drowsiness looked up to the sweet face of the man he adored then with a meek voice and a bit of a stutter said.

"Well… for some reason I can't sleep without you by my side… I can't help but just feel so scared and all sorts of bad things start to come back to my head! Like when the baby almost died!" He then started to cry at the end but went on.

"I can't ask you to stay with me all night or pull you away from your work but I just-" then he started to cry too much to speak and then Kīde sweetly picked him up into his arms and kissed away the tears.

"Oh, my love! Don't you dare be sorry for such a thing it's perfectly alright to feel that way and you deserve my attention and love! If you feel lonely or scared and you want me I'll always be there for you all you have to do is ask!... And if it would be alright with you I could move out of my apartments and into here with you and I could sleep next to you that way you could sleep at night!"

Kīde then settled Yashima in his lap and rested the golden head of his beloved against his chest where he then began to gently brush his hands through the long golden hair meanwhile Yashima was stunned and left speechless while blinking up at the king with a blush creeping onto his cheeks.

"Why are you so quiet my love? Did I say something wrong?" Asked Kīde a little worried.

Yashima snuggled up close to his beloved and said in a small shy but hopeful voice.

 "I'm sorry I didn't mean to be so rude and ungrateful I just-"

Yashima started to cry too much to speak which made the king worriedly pull away and look questingly at his love.

"Yashima sweetheart I'm so sorry if anything I said hurt you or reminded you of bad things!"

King Kīde started to cry and apologize but he was cut off by Yashima throwing his arms around him and pulling him into a romantic kiss.

The two of them held each other and kissed until they both stopped crying and in an overjoyed tone Yashima broke the silence.

"I'm sorry my kind and gentle king I didn't mean to worry you! It's just that sometimes I almost can't believe that all this is real! Never would I have thought that I would ever get to have someone who would love me enough to sleep by my side for a whole night let alone forever!"

Yashima threw himself back into the arms of the king who was now hugging the slender body close again with a relieved and happy smile on his face.

"Oh, my darling Yashima I don't know if there are enough words in any language on Earth to explain how much I love you!"

"Oh Kīde!" Yashima said as he blushed and hid himself in the king's chest.

The king stayed with his beloved until the golden beauty fell asleep then told his staff to bring all the important things from his apartments to the apartments of his new queen so that he could live there for now on then after he had that all sorted out he took off his makeup and jewelry along with his first few outer robes and even let his hair down.

He put all his things neatly in a chair beside him then quietly crept back to the bed and after he tucked his sleeping beauty in under the covers he too then snuggled under the covers and wrapped his arms around his queen.

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