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The king's ship finally docked at his seaside fortress where his majesty waited upon his throne looking out to the ships approaching from Shina with knowing eyes.

"When do we fire your highness?"

"We do not...the Mu'kang would not take damaged ships" 

Once the ships docked the ports were flooded with frightened and hungry refugees of all Shinan provinces and social classes offering gold or anything valuable that they still had as tribute to Kīppon.

Princesses of the once great royal house how's the emperor came before Kīde and all humbly graveled at his feet weeping and offering up their jewels.

"Oh please great king of the mysterious Kīppon kingdom please we beg of you to look past hundreds of years of war and take us and our children into your lands! Please our homes are gone and so are our fathers and husbands... We have no one left to know where else to go that has not been taken over by the Invaders who burn down all they touch! We the daughters and concubines of his late Majesty offer up ourselves to be your servants and mistresses along with or pleas for you to take in our people and our children!"

Said the former empress as she cried and begged handing over all of her meaning belongings.

"Dear lady even though our kingdoms have spent many years at odds I was taught by my late mother that it is a king's duty to show mercy to the people! I shall welcome your people with open arms into my kingdom and all the valuables you have turned over to me I shall use to provide food and housing for you as well as your medical care!"

Replied Kīde with a gentle smile causing all the princesses to bow.

"You do not need to repay me in any sort of way with service! Your place is among your people to help guide them through their troubles!"

All the princesses smiled and hugged their children while weeping in joy.

Kīde had all the refugees moved away from the fort and into a nearby monastery where he used the gold and valuables as well as many of his own jewelry and silks that he decided to donate to help the monks pay for everything that would be needed to take proper care of the refugee's needs and he assigned special guards to help enforce his country's laws and protect the people.

As he looked down at the monks feeding lines of people soup and bread he couldn't help but shed tears at the sight of all the scared children for he could only imagine how terrified the poor little darlings were being in a new country without their fathers and sometimes completely orphaned.

"...Hiro my baby son I promise you I shall fight for you to be able to grow up with the love of a family!"

Meanwhile commoners came to the monastery to aid the monks and donate things to the refugees while three mysterious hooded figures pretending to be lepers wondered through the camps listening in and looking around until they noticed a farmers cart filled with hay and they all snuck inside the hide.

The farmer unknowingly pulled them all the way into the biggest city where the hooded men wandered through the markets listening in just as they were ordered to.

One of the lepers called over his comrades to stand beside him and listen to a street vendor who had mentioned something that could be promising information.

"Ah yes lovely ladies my shop not only makes the finest silks but we also make the brightest and most golden silks that even the golden haired queen himself weres to highlight his famous sunshine hair!"

The hooded men inquired with the shopkeeper about the said golden hair for while in Shina the mu'kang royals could not find their son only the rumors of the witch king of Kīppon purchasing the boy.

"Oh yes indeed my dear lepers the queen is said to have skin as dark as bronze and hair as golden as the sun...and my fine silks! The queen is said to be a truly unique beauty with a heart as pure as our great king's! Our queen may not be much for words but he does make quite the wave in the fashion world, I tell you in fact gold is the most popular color this year for silks!"

Once the hooded men were done listening to the ramblings of the shopkeeper they made their way further into the marketplace leaving him disappointed that they had not bought his silks.

They wondered all throughout the marketplace asking more people for gossip about the golden haired queen until they all grouped up together then made their way to the docks where they paid a fisherman a thousand gold pieces to take them to the southernmost island.

A few weeks passed but once the fishing ship docked the hooded men snuck through the streets to where their king and queen waited for them.

The three men took off their disguises and healed before king Klha and queen Rin.

"Our queen! We have returned and with useful information!"

"Are the rumors from Shina true? Any of them?"

"We are unclear how exactly the princess was brought to the island but it appears that the rumors have great merit that one called by Yashima with golden hair indeed serves the king of Kīppon as a bride and apparently has also given birth to the crown prince!"

Rin and Klha gasped as they met each other's eyes filled with a mixture of many emotions.

Klha quickly dismissed the spies then sat next to his queen who was weeping and laughing torn between breaking down in joy and in sadness.

"We've spent so long now looking for our baby and we found him but he's not a baby anymore now we're grandparents and we haven't even met our son!"

"I know Rin… I can hardly believe it!"

"Oh my dear Klha the details about how he was brought here are so muffled but something tells me it couldn't possibly have been with consent could it? Our son's too young to have a baby, he's still a baby himself!"

"yes and by what we've seen in Shina a nation with no respect for omega it wouldn't be too far-fetched for a king to have forced himself on our poor son during some diplomatic mission or for our poor little one to have been gifted to him like some sort of play thing! And I doubt a nation is close to Shina no matter how much animosity between them could be that different!"

Klha smashed a table into slivers with his hand then fell to his knees beside his beloved queen's throne.

"Oh Klha… raped and sold off like a cow, not at all how an omega of the great mu'kang tribes should be treated! Especially not a princess!"

"no not at all my queen it is a shame upon these lands! For thousands of years omega both male and female have birthed our people and so we have adored them and listened to them as they have kept our culture alive and made us a strong powerful people while they have led their children and husbands into battle victoriously! Yet Shina would look upon all of our great warrior queens and scoff like the dogs they are!" 

Rin smiled softly as he replied.

"yes but yet they fall! For they are fools who do not know that it's the omega that should lead not the alpha! They don't teach the future mothers of their people how to do something as simple as kill 10 men with one blow so they only raise weak mothers who then raise only weak warriors! But I am no weak mother and neither shall our son be!"

Meanwhile back at the mainland Kīde's guards ran up to him and bowed before him as they informed him of the news that he had been dreading.

"Your majesty the mu'kang fleets have been spotted near the southernmost island and have set sail a few weeks ago so they shall arrive within 3 days time!"

"I understand…carry my decree to all ends of the kingdom and to every household that you can reach, tell my people to prepare for war!" 

The messengers scurried away and Kīde hurried off to return to his capital so that he could prepare his family.

Sorry for another short chapter my readers but I promise it's only because I'm writing much longer ones for future installments! (>.<)

But as always I hope you enjoy it and I hope you begin wondering about what happens next? ( ꈍᴗꈍ)

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