Kīde's love

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The next day the evening sun was already low on the horizon but Kīde and his beloved Yashima were both still asleep wrapped up all warm and cozy in each other's arms like little caterpillars snuggled up in the king's silk robes and the suites velvety blankets with orange sunlight kissing their lashes while their noses touched with each other's hands still intertwined.

Kīde was the first to wake up despite his mild headache when he felt an odd sensation almost like a third arua around them but not as complex or vast as theirs it was something he could only describe as a warm glow almost like a soul beginning.

He swiftly pushed himself up just a little and closed his eyes to use his magic to see where it was coming from only to learn that it was indeed a soul beginning to form… from within the belly of his mate.

He was shocked, baffled, awed and overjoyed to the point where he wasn't sure for how long but he just stood there stunned with his tearful eyes looking between his mate's belly and his mates face.

He scooped his mate into his arms again and kissed his beloved's face and eyes like a precious and fragile treasure while he whispered sweet nothings but he meant every word.

"I'll take good care of you both my little loves!"

He breathed in the smell of his beloved's hair letting it wash all over him and bathe him joy dreaming of the future as continued on and on.

"And give you both anything you want?"

"Anything at all I will give?"

"I'll fix up my old nursery at my palace for our baby!"

"And give you the biggest wedding I can afford with gifts of fine silks or ten thousand moon roses if that's what you want!"

He snuggled up his mate warmly almost afraid that this was all still just a dream.

"If you are a dream than you're a dream I never want to wake up from my dear little loves!"

He wanted to stay like this for as long as possible just like this but as he kissed his mate's bronze cheek a group of servants both of Shina and of his own came barging in with eyes full of panic.

Kīde jumped up and put one of his robes on and tucked his mate in again.

"What has happened?" He asked and his servants bowed to him as quickly as they could then told him that it was an emergency.

"Your Highness the Mu-Kang have attacked and they are making their way here in record time!"

Kīde was beyond terrified since knowing the Mu-Kang if they were to make it to the duke's palace they would kill everyone...including his mate.

He turned and looked at his beloved glowing golden in the sun sleeping peacefully unaware that he was in danger and he knew that he was running out of time.

He ran with his men down to the stables where he got into his armor and then rode out into battle with his soul burning like a fire with a new purpose, to protect his family and make true to all his promises.

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