Die For You

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Kenji entered the royal bedchamber carrying the sleepy prince to his cradle then Kenji tucked the baby into his blankets.

Kenji kelt down by the main bed and giggled at how cute the couple looked but then he felt his heart turn sad for he knew what he had to do...he had his orders.

He reached out and shook his friends shoulders until the king reluctantly woke up revealing a head of messy hair and pale skin covered with hickies.

"I take it you had a romantic night?"

"Indeed...too bad I have no other choice but to spoil the mood by telling my mate that I'm on my way to war with an unknown enemy!"

Kīde felt like he was about to cry but as he heard his son start to cry he knew he needed to be strong for his sweet little boy and beautiful queen.

He told Kenji to wait outside for him then he untangled himself from the bed and his lover's arms then wrapped a thin silk around himself and picked up his son.

"Good morning Hiro! Ah yes I know you're very upset that I had to take you away from your momma for so long but I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive your papa"

Hiro looked up to his father with a slightly upset expression.

"Well then my little love, how about for every time I steal away your mama you can puke up on my clothes!"

Hiro then started giggling up at his father who kissed his son's hands and face while tears escaped his eyes.

"Well then I trust that we have an accord... I promise I shall do my best to come back to you safe and sound so that I may keep my promise... So that I might keep all of my promises!"

Kīde looked down into the big amethyst and brown eyes of his son that were identical to his own and he remembered how tiny Hiro had felt under his palm when he was still inside the womb and Kīde felt like he was a failure of a father for missing the earliest moments of this angels life and for possibly having to miss even more.

"Hiro my dear sweet boy if I fail to keep my promise to you and I do not return I do not want you to ever doubt yourself for you are the most perfect son I could have ever asked for... I would happily die for you and your mother a million times for you both are my greatest dream come true!"

He heard a noise so he turned around to see Yashima weeping and Kīde knew that his mate had heard him.

"Kīde...no! My Kīde no! No don't do this!"

As if sensing his mother's discomfort little Hiro began to cry and reach out to his momma so Kīde handed him over with a big kiss on the baby's nose then Kīde pulled them both into his arms where he then held them tight.

"Kīde don't go to war! Please!"

"Yashima, my dearest one, I love you and I would do anything for you and give anything I could... But sitting behind while Invaders attack my kingdom is simply something that I cannot do!"

Yashima wanted to scream and yell yet he knew it was hard why his husband had to go, it wasn't just for the protection of their people but also for the safety of their future... A future for their son so Yashima cried softly as he snuggled up his son.

"Yashima... The last thing I ever wanted to do was break your heart, someone is wonderful as you deserves a better husband!"

"no! You were made for me and I was made for you... I don't want any other!"

Kīde kissed Yashima passionately then he pulled away weeping and he reached over to his vanity where he pulled out a pair of scissors then he braided a long strand of his hair and tied it with ribbons and then cut the switch of hair until he held the braid in his hand.

"Yashima... Even though we're already married in a sense I still wanted to give you a proper wedding and just a case I never get the chance I want to make sure that our bonds of marriage are sealed for eternity!"

He tied the hair around his and Yashima's wrists then cast a spell that in a flash of pink glowing light the switch was transformed into two holographic and slightly glowing white crystalline rings.

"With these rings I give you a piece of my soul so that no matter how far apart we are and no matter where I may be even if I am dead all you would have to do is call out for me with your heart and you will feel my love for you as if I was right there with you!"

The two lovers wept and held their crying son until Kīde had to leave and when he left he didn't bother with his usual attire of makeup and long clothing, only his under robe.

Yashima tried to calm himself so that he could comfort his son but it seemed of no use the two of them shared each other's mutual misery until the Little prince finally became exhausted and went to sleep leaving his mother to weep alone into his father's robes.

Meanwhile Kīde got dressed in his finest armer and sailed to the battlefront where the Mu'kang ships had already begun they're offensive.

Kīde and all of his greatest cultivators used their magic to raise the sea up and knock over the enemy ships but it wasn't enough since they kept getting reinforcements and they were remarkably skilled archers.

The people of Kīppon had never come this close to defeat and even Kīde had to admit that they weren't taking it too well.

"You see, great king of Kīppon when an army has grown used to victory they become complacent now not even your witchcraft can save you now!"

Said king Klha as he slowly approached with his sword drawn from the cross the beach and looked into the young King's eyes with a stare so dark and full of hate Kīde could swear it was making him feel sick to his stomach and dizzy.

"I am well aware of that Shina is your enemy and at times we have offered aid to them but our fight is not with you so why the attack?"

King Klha charged at him and knocked him to the ground.

"You sick bastard! You know what you've done don't act so stupid with me! Now you will pay for what you have done to my family!"

Kīde vigorously yet he could never fully escape the barbarian King for it seemed that they were equally matched but the truth was that Klha was more than happy to fight him no matter how long it took on the main island the queen was leading a secret mission to attack the capital and rescue their son.

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