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A month later....

"Yes you heard it hear first myself and Helena are getting married"

Johnny sat scowling at the local coffee shop's tv screen. He had decided to get up early and take a long walk after a heavy week of interviews and photo shoots here in London. However wherever he went there was news about Helena and David, he couldn't escape her. Even now sat alone in a booth he watched on the small screen as reporters interviewed both David and Helena standing outside of the hospital. The happy faces they both wore made him turn his nose up and push his breakfast to one side. Suddenly he lost all his appetite.

"And is it true you're expecting a child?" One of the reporters asked making Helena smile sweetly and run her hand over her small bump. "It is"

Johnny couldn't believe she was actually going through with this all again. David was an arse! Why couldn't she see that. Was she really that much in love with the man that she was blind to everything. It certainly seemed that way.

Paying his bill he tipped the waitress and left the cafe. He was greeted by cameras and young girls screaming in surprise of catching him on the street. He dodged it all by flagging down a black taxi and jumping inside fast.

"Wow it's you" the London taxi driver turned in awe looking at the famous film star.

"Yes, please drive" Johnny hurried him.

"Where to?"

"Anywhere just drive around" he replied shortly happy to cover the cost no matter how much. As the driver moved off Johnny reached for his iPhone and saw there was about 6 missed calls from Larry.

Ringing Larry back he was greeted by a low grumble  "Do you have any idea what time it is here?"

"Why do you keep ringing me?" Johnny asked bluntly not meaning to sound harsh but he was getting irritated by everything recently.

"Because I feel it's time you come home, I heard from a source that Helena is expecting Mr Millers baby..."

"Or mine" Johnny cut in surprising David with what he just said.

"What do you mean?"

Huffing loudly Johnny scoffed and shook his head truly exhausted and stressed. "I don't know, forget what I said"

"Johnny if you think the baby is yours..."

"I don't know what to think anymore, I'm so confused and tired by everything" he sighed deeply into the phone feeling sick of being here in London now. He needed to get back to his LA lifestyle away from everything and especially the media. Helena and David seemed to be hot news, appearing in most gossip magazines and papers, he was sick of it. Well maybe sick wasn't the word but it certainly hurt him, Helena was the one that got away and for that he couldn't bare to see her with that arsehole.

"I've decided to catch a flight home next week, I've already booked my ticket" he told Larry.

"I think it's what you need buddy, sounds like you could do with coming back home"

"I need to talk to Hel, I've kept myself away from her so she had space to work out her own problems but I won't lie to you Larry I do love her....being here with her is killing me"

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