Day 2. Beast of Gevaudan

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"Forest Gemini you picked dare." I heard Lynx's taunting voice cut over as I narrowed my eyes on the alpha's son. "Come on it's the full moon and Halloween. Do I have to?" I asked watching him and Lynx rolled his eyes. "Backing out werechicken?" Lynx asked with a smirk.

"Come on Gemini, just a run. Then you can come back." Helen's soft voice came through; Lynx's younger much nicer sister. I looked at her. "Fine, but I'll be back. And you Lynx are getting payback." I responded and Lynx smiled. "Whatever you say Gemini." Lynx chimed.

I glared at him before storming off into the packs woods. It was Halloween and of course to add to the spooky tone of being out in the woods spinning bottles, playing Truth and Dare and getting tipsy the full moon floated in the sky. It reminded me of the stories nan would tell me.

The one of the beast that roamed these pack lands. "Just a story nan told me to stay in bed and not wander off." I told myself shrugging off the eerie feeling of being in the woods alone, especially at night. I knew these woods, after all I ran through them.

But we never really went in them at night. But having taken the dare when Lynx asked me targeting me in his games he wanted to play. I should have known he was going to make me do something. I bit my lip as I looked around the woods.

We lived on rich lands with tall forests that reached up to the sky. Benefits of our forest blending with the red wood one. The leaves coated the ground in vibrant patterns of orange, red, and yellow hues as my boots crunched against them and I pushed my hands into the pockets.

I glanced around silently watching the woods around me as the trees swayed in the wind as it blew throwing my brown hair behind me. "See the woods aren't that bad." I noted to myself feeling victorious at the thought of shoving this into Lynx's face when I got back.

It was as if he aimed to torment me as much as he could. But all hell would break loose if someone else did it to me. He hated it. But I couldn't quite wrap my finger around it. I looked around the woods. "Yeah this will be great to rub in Lynx's face." I spoke with a smile.

He thought I was a coward and would back down. Not today! I looked around the woods with a smile. Oh he was going to be eating that grin that was going to be on his face when I got back. Maybe I could even look shaken.

While thinking of my plans I didn't see the shadow nor the howl that rang out behind me. I froze looking behind me. I waited for the rest to howl wandering if they were singing a song that only us werewolves knew how to perform.

However it never came only the cold and deadly silence which seemed to ring in my ears making me flinch. Silence was something I once enjoyed but at this moment it was deafening. The silence brought this fear to me unlike any other and made me afraid as I looked around.

Then came the heavy panting. And at that moment I turned around as Nan's voice pounded through my head telling me not to go to the woods at night unless I wanted to face the wrath of the beast who haunted our lands. Dying to get a taste of blood since he was put down.

And a large red copper beast stood there on two legs; not tradition of now a day werewolves. All I could do was gape before it roared and the scream forced its way up out of my throat. And when it roared it triggered me into action causing me to run.

And it pursued after me. My legs pumped as I ran. My instincts told me to scream and run; I only obeyed the running instinct. The one that would keep me alive. I jumped over sticks and fallen logs as it pursued after me. At this time I hated the lack of form I had.

The late bloomer I happened to be. If I wasn't a late bloomer maybe I would have been able to jump properly and may have not been this slow. Nor prone to falling. My lack of wolf form caused me to hit a tree root and I went crashing down.

The throb in my head became something that made me go still just as I looked over as the red beast loomed. Was this how I was going to die. Victim to the beast who haunted the woods. Tears formed in my eyes before it hesitated.

I watched it. But then it grabbed it's head and lifted it up. 

"Thought you weren't scared Gemini?"

I froze up as I looked Lynx in the eyes as he dropped the cooper head to the ground and grinned at me. "You asshole!" I exclaimed getting up as Lynx chuckled at me.

"Oh come on I had got intentions for why I did this." Lynx spoke. "Scaring the shit out of me and thinking I was going to die." Lynx smiled. "I wanted to see if you were put in a 'life or death' situation if you would shift." Lynx spoke.

"Can't my wolf come naturally?" I asked. "I mean yeah, but I just wanted to help. . . I'm sorry." Lynx spoke offering his hand and all I could do despite being irritated and still scared. Lynx smiled at me. "I won't do it again without your permission." Lynx spoke.

"Just let my wolf come naturally, she'll appear one day." I told him and Lynx smiled. "It won't hurt for me to shiftless for a bit." Lynx nodded. "We should get back." Lynx noted and I nodded at that missing the longing glance he gave me as we started walking.

And we missed the faint rumble behind us.


The beast watched irritated at his slumber being disturbed as the two young weres turned and walked away. Once they were gone he came out of his corner and went over and sniffed the mask before batting it away as he stood up to his full height looking at the imitating mask of his copper fur.

"Teens." He grumbled realizing what they had been doing. . . mocking him. He growled shaking his head. And with that he went off into the forest. Beast of the lands was what they called him. And with that he stood up and let out a howl knowing it would shake them to the very bones.

1112. My first entry in the Halloween Vaults! I did the werewolf prompt as it was the most interesting! I'll be dancing between werewolf, vampire, and dark fantasy. Hope you guys enjoy! * * *

 Hope you guys enjoy! * * *

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