Day 4. The Veil

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The shimmering all around me caught my attention as I sat in the endless pasture full of evenly cut grass just tall enough for her to graze upon. I waited patiently brown hair with blonde tips falling upon my shoulder. I smiled as the tail swished.

My first ever horse Artemis stood in the pasture her tail swishing. There was many reasons I had come to the world of the dead. One of the biggest reasons being in front of me and the dark sable German Shepherd laying next to me as I turned over and smiled at him.

"I bet your having fun here Caesar." I told him taking in the healthy appearances of all of the animals. My rat Sub Zero was on the fence with the other one Aquaman as they chattered with each other. When going to the other side I didn't expect this.

I loved being with my animals, it was a surprise instead of seeing him, but I told them of all my stories since they passed over the rainbow bridge.

I came here to see him, but got the delightful surprise of all my animals. And the dream of riding my horse came true. It was paradise on earth as Artemis looped through the endless fields with Caesar next to me as my fallen rat friends watched from afar in interest.

"It must be beautiful crossing the rainbow bridge." I told Artemis patting her neck as I stopped and got off. "But sadly Artemis and Caesar I have to go, it's approaching midnight and I must get back before the veil closes." I told them with a smile

"I'll be sure to practice all of this to do another visit." I told them as I got up happy to have dabbled in witchcraft. But when I began chanting the deep voice came over. "Are you leaving without saying goodbye." I froze at the monotone voice as I turned to see him.

The excitement of having seen the horses dulled as he stood in front of me as young as the day his disease had taken him, but healthier. Tears came.

And without hesitation I threw myself into his arms. He smiled. "Alec." I said. "I'm right here Cher." Alec soothed me. I wanted to stay here longer, but I had to go. "Next time we can catch up." I told him before turning around giving him a long kiss.

But when the magic flickered out I watched confused. 

"There won't be a next time Cher."

I looked at him confused.

"What?" I asked.

Alec looked at me. "Your not going home Cher, this is your new home. I'm not waiting any longer." 

I didn't have time to register before Alec had me. "I have a new place just for us, you have everything you could ever need, all of your animals and the most important thing: me."

"Welcome home Cher."

474. So basically Alec trapped Cher in the land of the dead, might do a part 2 later on. But Alec wanted his girl back so trapped her. A twist and I love it, but it fell short because of the word limit. * * *

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