Day 20. Craigslist Problems

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Craigslist was a place where desperate people tended to lurk on and a place where it is easy to get tricked into bad things. After all anyone can post a topic on there. All I wanted was a roommate and the posting on the site was perfect.

A two bedroom apartment. There was two bonuses: it happened to be located near my college campus and was only $250 a month which my broke college self could afford. I only had to pay rent and I got wifi as well and my own space in their fridge.

It seemed like it was a listing sent out to me and I couldn't help but go for it. So requesting to go there I got a text back instantly. The next day I was climbing up into my shitty ass car and was off to the apartment putting my foot into the gas pedal.

I was so excited to be going here and finally getting a good life to come to me. No more long walks to the college and intense fear of being robbed. I already had the money to pay the person and move in as soon as possible. And they said it was fine.

It truly was a blessing.

The apartment looked quite nice as I pulled up and got out with a smile on my face and went up and knocked on the door. A semi nice car was in the driveway--- a lot nicer than mine at least!

Gathering the courage I went up to the door and knocked upon it with a small smile on my face. And finally the door opened revealing a man standing there. I was a bit startled at the fact that not was he only around 6ft tall. . . but he happened to be in a really skimpy dress.

"Are you that person that is coming over for Luka to be his roommate?" His incredibly deep voice asked and I nodded. "He's in the back." And he disappeared after that as I began to hesitate if I really wanted to go in. But I still did.

Following the tall one in a dress with my head down he opened the door where a blonde boy was sitting. "Luka that person looking for the room is here." The blonde turned around. He looked like your typical blonde boy but much more attractive.

He was fit with bright blue eyes. "Your Athena?" Luka came over with a smile and I nodded staring uncomfortable at the odd amount of porcelain dolls . . . and other dolls in the room. "Nice to meet you Athena, that's my boyfriend, and he doesn't normally dress like that. I promise." Luka spoke.

"His name is Johnny." I should've said no to the house.

These two were going to drag me down a lot. But being broke I gave in and ended up in the room stumbling down while they smiled.

483. Just take a guess on what you want to make this out to be. * * *

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