Day 12. Not Fair

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The say having a twin can be blessing. Someone who will always be there for you and on your side. A person to count on. Everyone believed that's how it worked for twins.

It is a complete and utter lie.

They forgot important parts of how your life falls apart when your twin dies. Mine did, another part of you dies when they perish. And you are forced to move on and let their memory reign and live for them. . . or die with them. I wish mine was as simple as that, but it wasn't.


My day starts simple and ends bad. My dad had left when she died in the fire, and my mom resorted to drinking her sorrows away. The only good thing that came from the fire was mom gave up smoking due to that having caused the fire, but our family fell apart.

All because of the death of my twin Ashley. Ash was a popular girl before she passed away, Ash was the golden child but always waited for me to catch up. But dying turned her. She may have died, but she was still here. 

"He isn't worth the date." Ash whispered into my ear looking at Brandon.

I never planned to take my sisters place as the golden popular girl. But she kept shoving me into that direction as if possessed by a need for me to do that. And it became quite annoying. But there was no escaping her. She was always there.

No matter what I tried to do. She was there. "So if your going to go on a date go with him." And all I could do was listen as I looked at my twisted sister. And once more I had to let Brandon down. . . or risk Ash's wrath finding the way to him.

Images of my friends mutilated and burned came into my mind. Ash being dead changed her. I was under her control. She didn't want to let go of life. "This isn't fair." I whispered to Ash and she smiled her charred face moving with her.

"Life isn't fair sweetie, if it was you'd be dead and I'd be alive." 

360. Yeah. * * *

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