Day 19. Bloody Prints

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The new houses lights were on. They were never on, my friend and I should have walked in the other direction. But against our wits we continued up and pressed the doorbell and it rang out. No one answer so we pushed it again. "They should turn the lights off." My friend commented.

However the door seemed to be ajar. "It's ajar." I told her. "We should go." My friend spoke. "I'm going to open it." I told her. "Are you crazy some people like privacy." She spoke but I ignored her and pushed it open and regret coursed in.

Blood was streaked on the floor and it was far from dry. It looked fresh as my breath caught in my throat. "We need to go." My friend said. "No someone may be hurt." And not taking her hint I ventured inside stepping over the blood as she cursed before following in.

"Anabelle we should go." She warned me. "Someone may be hurt." I reminded her as we ventured in following the blood. I'm not sure what I expected to find. But it ended at a door. "Annabelle." My friend warned but I ignored her and pushed it open.

I nearly threw up upon seeing the young girls body clad in one of the sexy devils outfit on the floor with multiple stab wounds. And when I looked around the room was covered in. . . souvenirs. From small necklaces, to bras, and all sorts of other things.

And a new bloody pair of devils horns were up. With a picture of the girl up on the wall. "Annabelle." My friend whined. "We need to call 911." I told her going for my phone ignoring her. "Annabelle." "Lindsey sto-" I went still as I turned around seeing tears on her face.

A large figure stood behind her a bloody knife in his hand and a smirk. "I rarely get more than one, but I think two trick or treaters will do. The police won't miss you." Our screams were never heard through the soundproof wall as our blood spilled with the devil the last to ever be heard or seen of us.

356. Eh, didn't have big inspiration, I'm not the best at crime especially without a bigger word count to explain more. * * *

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