Day 25. Haunted Love

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There was a million things that could go wrong as Jagger and I sat outside the house we were dared to. In a twisted version of spin the bottle the name of my crush was drawn causing us to have to go to a house alone together.

This was all fine and dandy. . . but it was the house that was chosen.

There was a house at the end of the street that people refused to buy or rent because someone hung their self there. And the house was rumored to be haunted. Now here the two of us stood with Jagger looking at the crumpled paper in his tanned hand.

"Let's go in."

Jagger left no room for argument as he was not one to back down from a dare. It was just how he worked. And it was one of the things that attracted me to him in the first place. A small uneasy smile came before I followed him inside.

"We should make it an in and out type of experience." I told Jagger and he looked at me and chucked.

"What scared?"

I huffed as he was dead on. Someone had died here and it just felt wrong being here.

It felt as if someone would jump out and drag me to a shadowy graze and make me be one of the missing teens who would never be found. That wasn't who I planned to be but I crushed under peer pressure.

Jagger was new. He hasn't been here very long but fit in very well. He managed to fit right into my small group of friends with his sexy smiles and sitting looking like a whole snack.

I brushed some hair from my face as I trailed behind him focusing in on some of the muscles I could see in his back through his tight black shirt instead of the creepy house we happened to be trespassing on. Being here feels wrong.

But I didn't want to look like a wimp. My friends were one thing, we happened to grow up together. They'd forgive me for bailing in the end after all we were like family.

But Jagger?

He was different. If I didn't have this crush on him which would prove to be the bane of my existence; my mortal flaw we may have not had this problem. He wouldn't have this effect on me.

Making me be reckless to impress him and show him I'm a girl worth his time. But no my liking of him would be my complete and utter downfall. It would send me spiraling down. There was so denying that.

My crush and budding love for him is dangerous.

"See Mercy it isn't that bad inside." Jagger spoke turning to me and giving me a whole hearted grin on his face which made my knees weak. God why did he have to look like that? Why did he have to say my name like that? I bit my lip.

"Yeah I guess it's not that bad after all." I spoke and Jagger smiled before gently touching my shoulder. He was good looks and muscle but we didn't know all that much about him. But my crush blinded me concerning that.

The most I knew was that he was homeschooled and lived on the same block as the rest of us. He preferred coming seeing us at night as well as he has an ill mom he takes care of throughout the day.

"There is just a rumor that the house is haunted and that guy who killed himself here as well. And it feels weird as if we are on his grave and disrespecting him." I spoke.

"Trust me we aren't. . . we would know if we were."

His eerie warning of that snapping from happy go lucky to a eerie solemn looking Jagger took me off guard. But he snapped back to his happy self instantly.

I wasn't sure how to feel about it but his smile with those plush lips silenced me instantly as I looked at him unsure of what to say besides sit there and sort of gawk at him as he led me through the house.

"And we can brag that we explored the house," Jagger spoke with a smile hitting a spot that he knew would get a response from me. After all I loved teasing my friends and making it known that I wasn't a pushover anymore.

I grew up being a pushover most of the time which got my lunch and lunch money stolen before my best friend who was a bit crazy Lilith stepped in and stopped that.

No one dares to stand up to my crazy friend and dare risk her wrath come upon them and loose down upon them.

"Well I'll get to brag."

It was those chilling words when I realized I wouldn't be staying. . . and that it wasn't Jagger, something wearing his face. Seeing the real Jagger on the bed knocked out spoke enough as eyes gleamed silver.

In that moment I realized my liking of Jagger blinded me to the person next to me wasn't actually him. This person led me right into a trap and was about to lead my friends into the same one as he swung at me and I barely ducked it caused aggravation to build within him as the real Jagger remained passed out.

"Now you can wait here with lover boy, maybe give me a show for when I get backed with your friends." The cruel smirk was evidence on his face before Jagger began to melt away and fear crawled me as I ended up looking right into my own cruel face. It was the last thing I desired to see. And the only thing besides Jagger laying on the bed bruises coating his jaw.

The telltale sign that he put up one hell of a fight, more than I did. All I could do I was hope I came out alive as I was knocked out right into Jagger.

1011. I wrote this on my phone so I apologize for any grammar mistakes.  I'll be on my phone writing most of these as I have no WiFi. I'm currently homeless but in a hotel. I'll keep you guys posted * * *

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