Day 13. Unsure

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The leather stretched around my thighs with each step I took as I looked around me. Numerous people around me were sitting there. Of all tasks that could be presented this one was the most complicated one; and designed for Halloween as the sun set in the sky.

Children ran about in costumes with pumpkin shaped baskets or pillows that they planned to stuff full of candy before they stuffed their mouths full of varieties of candy. I bit my lip silent as ever as I looked around. There was only one task that was currently at hand.

Inferring who was good and who was just playing a trick.

It seemed like such a waste of time but when you thought about it the task was anything but a waste of time. So many people could fool a superhero such as myself into thinking they were in danger when in reality they were far from it.

This was the ultimate test to hone in our senses and see who was actually in danger and who was just playing a trick on us and distracting us from the real people who was in danger. Which was why we were doing this huge test.

Unlike the other superheros I tended to work with my outfit didn't scream superhero. I wasn't done in spandex nor donning armor with weapons at my side. In a leather outfit that made me look goth, but since the accident people had come to know who I happened to be.

Lightning sparked between my fingers before I closed my palm putting my power away as I looked around the streets eyes peeled. "You just need to identify who is in danger and who is not." I told myself watching as a pack of children ran up with happy screams.

I could identify that, the screams of happiness as the teenager who was watching them followed in a clown costume. I looked over as the male teen froze as my electric blue eyes stared into his and he hesitated not feeling as strong in the clown costume as he looked me in the eyes.

My eyes were far from nature. An intense blue with cracked lines of white representing the deep hidden power of mine. The white lines hidden up my body was also a sign, but I'd have to undress or be in revealing clothing. Being struck by lightning was far from comfortable. 

The boy in the clown costume was quick to dart away from me making a bit of a smile twinge at my lips. There was two reactions to my presence. Fear or excitement. And at times fear was the better reaction. I didn't need people to get close to me.

So with that I continued on my journey. There were people here ready to act as if they weren't in trouble to distract me from the ones who were in trouble. My eyes darted around as I caught the first sight of crime. An old lady; I was always a bit cautious around them.

Old people always made me uncomfortable, but I saw the man snatch her purse. And I was quick over my leg hitting his as he fell face first before I grabbed the purse and without care stepped on his ankle without remorse before handing the purse over.

The gleam and excitement showed that her reaction was natural and that she was happy for me to have handed her the stolen purse back. And that was one good person down and more to go. I was quick through the crowds helping people along the way. I wasn't one for bank robbers though.

Of course someone else was already dealing with it. I ignored him as he caught a bank robber but ended up grabbing an innocent person in the process of the glory. When caught up in the glory is when you can make extreme mistakes. Something I made efforts not to do.

I looked around me silent. And I went on through my day. I didn't think I would make a mistake. But I was wrong as the trick turned deadly.

When turning down an alley to go to a bakery to buy some things I caught the dark figure.

Jotting it down in my mind I grabbed the churro that the owner had out for me as I was a constant visitor and tended to get free things from the time I stopped one of them with a gun when all of this first happened. And I walked out.

And went back to the alley as I ate the churro looking around.

"Looking creepy doesn't make you look cool, and if your trying to play victim maybe have someone with you." I spoke just as someone landed behind me as I finished up the chocolate dipped churro and turned around but froze.

If someone was playing a trick on me it was a cruel one.

There stood one of the infamous villains; Mayhem. He always donned a mask. But the thing was I had never fought him. My alley was small things people who shoplifted and held guns. . . not a superhero who had gone rogue.

I was unsure. 

"This is a trick right?" I asked backing up.

The lightning sparked as a cruel smiled danced up as Mayhem lifted the mask up revealing steely blue eyes as I froze.

"You are going to wish it was." Were the words before he lunged at me as the game became deadly.

And my life went up in the air. . .

908. Basically a very famous villain took advantage of the test to attack heroes and the newbie hero was the unlucky one to come across him.

 Basically a very famous villain took advantage of the test to attack heroes and the newbie hero was the unlucky one to come across him

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