Day 27. Cold Lips

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It has become a habit to lay in bed waiting for him to appear in bed with me. It happened since the moment he materialized going through my medicine. It was strange when he said he was taking his but couldn't find his shots. But it sunk in quickly.

The purple swelling around his neck as if something cut off his breathing. Not to mention when I threw a textbook at him it went right through him smashing my pain meds, melatonin, and birth control everywhere. If he didn't know he was dead, he knew then.

It took three days to coax the nervous boy out from hiding. And two to realize that he wasn't some sort of druggie who died on an overdose. His 'injections' were testosterone before he died. I learned his name to be Dayton. Dayton was a quiet and sweet boy, and made it clear his pronouns. And then apologized.

He over apologizes was something I had come to learn. Whether it be bumping into something, making the room cold with his presence or something else. He took the blame. Because of him I stayed up at night before changing to night classes as I enjoyed Dayton's company.

Stress went away when it came to him. Whether it be his corny jokes or cute smiles as he sat next to me.

Textbooks were on the side of me as I felt the temperature in the room drop as the bed dipped in. "What do you major in again October?" I heard Dayton asked. He died before he entered college and it was still alive he'd be older than me.

"Interior Design."

I spoke feeling Dayton move across the bed. At night he felt real but if I was to touch him I would feel nothing. Knowing this ate at me as Dayton attached himself to me as I took a deep breath.

"So you could brighten up my house a little?" Dayton asked. "I will be able to do more than houses." I spoke and he smiled as I turned over staring into green eyes as Dayton smiled from across from me. I wanted to touch him and feel something. But I couldn't. No matter how much I wanted to.

I looked at Dayton and smiled. "Did you have a good day in class today?" Dayton asked. "It was alright, there is this annoying guy who keeps hitting on me." Dayton frowned at the idea. "There is only one guy who interests me."

That alone was enough to return a smile to his face which was quite nice. It was much better than the frown. Someone as cute as he happens to be shouldn't frown cause of some idiot frat boy who flirts with everyone. I scooted closer.

"Is it hard to appear in the day?" I asked. Dayton nodded. "I see you all the time though. Making yourself things to eat, getting dressed although I try my best not to look during that." Dayton told me and I smiled at the courtesy he showed. Most wouldn't do that.

Most of the night was spent just laying in bed together talking and just existing as he watched me. It was torture not being able to touch him, but I could manage. The cost for loving a ghost.

But it was worth it. Every moment of it.

I felt Dayton's cold breeze over me as he moved my hair a fluid motion so quick all I felt was air. He moved quite quickly. A habit of being a ghost it seems.

"Dayton, do you remember how you died?" I asked. The most I could assume was suicide, but he seemed too happy to have wanted to end his life. Constant smiles and not one was forced. I could only imagine meeting him when he was alive. 

How easy our relationship would be. I just couldn't believe someone so sweet as him could commit suicide. I just couldn't. He is so sweet and happy. But I had no idea it was because of me.

"Not really, the night is blurry, all I remember is my breathing being cut off and suffocation." Dayton spoke referring to the bruises in weird patterns. We'd discover his mysterious and uneasy death not to mention he didn't even know he was dead for some time.

I took in a deep breath. "Don't stress about it baby, I'm here now and won't go. The only one who can leave is you." Dayton reminded me. "I won't ever leave you." I promised securing my fate to his more so than I ever could.

The sun was rising as Dayton scooted over. I wished shutting the blinds would help but it wouldn't. He still disappear until night.

"I love you October."

And then I felt his cold lips upon mine and his hand touch my cheek. And my hands never got to touch him. The sun rose upon us as he disappeared as he pulled away the day consuming him until night would fall once more.

"I love you too Dayton."

845. I like this. I had two ideas and went with the ghost one. If you didn't figure it out Dayton is a murder victim, someone strangled him which is why he didn't know he was dead until October. Hope you guys enjoyed. * * *

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