Day 10. The Dead Dining

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The moment the cold hand wrapped around my wrist I looked back. Waking up at a dinner table with little to no recollection of how I got here. But the misty and nonsolid and cold feeling let me come to a harsh reality, I was in a room of dead people.

Three of them. The need to run was strong, but I was pulled back right into the circle and all I could do was sit down as I looked forth. "Why am I here?" I asked looking at the male at the center of the table. "You going to deny food?" He asked.

"I know your hungry."

My stomach grumbled in response.

There was a variety of delicious mouthwatering food put out in front of me. From the well cooked turkey that was juicy to all of the sides from mac and cheese to mashed potatoes. I bit my lip unsure.

But in the end I gave into my hunger. And I feasted upon all the food. I looked at the male. He sat next to a small young girl in a low dip dress along with a little boy who was eating at some chicken. "Who are you?" I asked finally.

"Figure it out."

All I could do was watch them throughout dinner. Calculating their each and every movement. And taking note of what they were wearing. However she stiffened when she saw a bullet wound in the lady's chest. And then stabs in the little boy. And lastly when the male turned his head he had a clear bullet shot and small cuts on his ghostly body.

But it was the little boy who caught her attention. His facial features was familiar, and it was off of a missing poster that went viral in the town. "Holy shit." I murmured.

"You guys are that serial killers victims; The Doctor." I spoke. The man nodded. "What do you want with me?" I asked. All of them smiled in union. "We want you to help us." The man spoke as the leader of the victims coming together.

"Your going to help us get justice for his death. . . before you become one of his victims. You can agree to help us or be killed by him." And the choice was laid out. The dinner becoming wicked as a serial killer lurked ready to strike and my life.

But I wasn't going down easy. I was going to fight with them.

401. I actually like this! I'll definitely be entering it in to be judged. * * *

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