Day 23. Deep in the Mausoleum

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There was at times that I despised my job. And this was one as I went through the mausoleum trying to reach the obelisk. My party and I were out searching for a royal families missing heirloom and it was all smooth sailing until we reached the center.

I never ventured alone, but we had split into groups; like idiots. And I was paired with my coworker who I had a crush on for a long time making him to be quite the thorn in my side since he was unaware. But as we reached the center my crush on him was forgotten.

"What heirloom are we looking for?" I asked. "A necklace it's a green stone with a gold chain and is apparently in some sort of. . . tomb?" Carter spoke unsure. "Nothling like disturbing the dead." I murmured not too fond of that fact. But hey money is money.

It didn't like long until we reached the center where all sorts of jewels were around. Being in this job caused us to resist the temptation to steal things. These families were loaded and would they really miss just one thing? But we had to severely risk the temptation to.

Carter looked at me as the search began. "Hey Leylani I think I found something." Carter spoke and I came over as he stood in front of a stone tomb. "Are you sure we want to open it?" I asked but Carter ignored me as he pried it open revealing a preserved mummy.

I backed up shaking my head but noticed the glimmering golden chain. And with that Carter yanked it up and as if on cue he waited to see if the mummy would lurch up to rip the necklace back and release a curse. But it didn't.

The threat was elsewhere.

As we turned around the prince; Elliot stood there. "Elliot?" I asked and he smiled. "Necklace." Elliot spoke and Carter looked at him hesitant before stepping forward and slowly setting it into his hand. "We should go now." Carter spoke.

"You two won't be going anywhere, we have to feed them somehow." Elliot spoke. We never got the chance to answer as Elliot slammed the doors and the rabid clicking as something moved. . . and then threw itself from the shadows heading straight for us.

384. Instead of a mummy coming to life carnivore guards. * * *

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