Chapter 19

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Oh my god my kings 😍😍😍

"Seriously Gil? You have to sleep on me?" I asked as I tried to move him off of me. "I love you Vivi..." he said sleepily. "Not helping." I said as I gave one final push and he rolled off of me, but he slid his arms around me and pulled me toward him. I gave him a questioning look and asked, "Why have you become like this?"

"Because I love you, that's why." he answered and kissed me on the forehead and smiled. I turned red and hid underneath the covers. Gilgamesh laughed and ruffled my hair. "Cute." he complimented. I poked my head out and looked at him, my face entirely red. "Gil..." "Hmm?" I buried my face in his chest and hugged him. "I love you." I said, my voice muffled.

Then I looked up and gave him a kiss. Gilgamesh turned pink and said, "I love you too," before kissing me back. I patted him on the head before getting out of bed. "We have a lot to do today, so let's eat." I said. "I don't wanna get up..." he moaned and pulled the covers over his head. I took hold and pulled the blanket off of him.

"Cold!" he cried and curled up into a ball. "Come on Gil, I'm pretty sure you're not like this in your era. You're a king, remember?" I asked and made him sit up. He looked at me with half-closed eyes and said, "I'm sleepy..." "I'm so done with you, Sir," I said and cupped his face in my hands. "Wake up~" He finally opened his eyes and looked at me.

"Come on." I said and dragged him along with me. "No~" he whined. "What do I have to do to make you wake up?" I asked. "Wanna duel?" he asked. I looked at him and said, "No."


Gilgamesh piggy-backed me back inside the house after our duel. It was a little uncomfortable because he was wearing his armor. "I told you I didn't want to..." I said weakly. "Well if I'm not by your side, who's going to protect you?" he asked. "True..." I rested my head on his shoulder. He puts me down on the couch and checked the mark on my neck.

"Hee hee..." I giggled because some strands of his hair was tickling my neck. "What's so funny?" he asked. "It tickles." I answered. He gave me a weird look and his hair, which was standing up, dropped down instantly. "How did you do that?" I asked. "Do what?" he asked and his hair went up again. "That." I said and patted his head.

His hair dropped down and he changed into his regular indoor clothing. "I have my ways." he simply said. "Of course you do." I said. "Your mark is fine." he said before sitting down next to me. "I have no energy because I spent it all just to fight you." I said. "Worth it." said Gilgamesh. "No it's not." I said.

"Vivi, open the door. We're here." I heard Hana call from outside. I stood up and walked to the door and opened it. "Hi." I said weakly. "What's wrong? You look extremely tired." said Aron. "Because I was sparring with a certain someone." I answered and Gilgamesh appeared beside me. "Hi. You two, come in." he said.

Ozymandias and Arthur went inside while I stayed at the doorway with their Masters. "So, what are we doing today?" I asked. "Well..." said Hana and Aron looked her. She looked back at him and blushed. "What is this?" I asked. "Are you two together?" Aron took her hand and said, "I confessed to her last night while I was walking her home."

Hana nodded in agreement. "Well, I guess there's no need for a third-wheel for me then." I said and Hana laughed.


"And you said that we're searching for our enemies, so why are we at the casino?" I asked. "We want to have some fun too." said Gilgamesh. "I can't wait to see my Servant bring back bags of money back home." said Hana. "I can make that happen." said Ozymandias and Hana's eyes lit up. "Well Arthur, I guess you're paying for my college tuition." said Aron.

We watched our Servants go off to play while we waited for them to come back. "We can try on the slot machines." said Hana. "My luck is terrible already so there's no need." I said. We got ourselves some drinks just as our Servants came back with a suitcase in their hand. "So, did you win?" asked Aron. "We sure did," said Arthur. "$100 million each."

Hana almost fainted when she heard that but luckily I caught her. Judging by the reactions the people were having in the background, I could tell what Arthur said was true. "Well, let's go home and drop our money off before we get attacked." I said. We went home first to hide the suitcases before meeting back at my half-destroyed school.

"You look fancy in that suit." I said. "Do I?" he asked as he changed into his outdoor clothes and I nodded. Gilgamesh walked over and hugged me tight. "I love you, Vivi." he said and kissed my cheek. "Me too." I said and patted his head. We headed out to meet with the others when we heard some loud noises in the distance. "Are they fighting someone?" I asked.

We quickly headed over just in time to see Aron and Arthur fighting Lancer again, but Arthur had already won. "It's over, Lancer." he said. "Heh, I guess this is it for me," Lancer said as a huge cut across his chest appeared. "Thankfully my Master didn't tell me to commit suicide this time..." He collapsed onto the ground and coughed up blood.

"Cú? Are you leaving me?" the little girl asked as she held his hand. "Sorry Maria, playtime's over..." he said. So this was the Celtic hero, Cú Chulainn? "I had so much fun with these past days..." he continued. "Promise me that you'll be safe, and take care of your mother, okay?"

Maria nodded as tears filled her eyes and rested her head on his bloodied chest. "I love you doggo." she said. "Love you too..." he whispered and disappeared.

My King [A Fate Series Fanfic] [Author's Edition]Where stories live. Discover now