Twenty Seven.

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August 29, 2018

Beyoncé's POV

I didn't want to go to this conference for the divorce, but Y/N convinced me. She even came for support. She hadn't been talking too much. It more of nodding and just looking around. She'd cuddle with the twins and Blue all day. She wasn't eating nor was she even painting. It made me wonder if a new personality had formed and what she had been talking about with her therapist.

"Y/N, are you okay?" I asked her and she just nodded.

"You haven't really been talking or anything. You sure you're okay?" I asked her.

"Yeah, I'm fine," she replied looking away from me. I looked at my phone and looked at the date and it hit me.

"What's going on in your head?" I asked her and she shook her head.

"All I hear is the water, his coughing and her crying," she mumbled and I pulled her closer to me.

"I'm sorry, baby," I told her and she nodded wiping her tears away. She rested her head on my shoulder and squeezed my hand lightly.

"Can you sing to me?" she asked me and I smiled softly.

"What song would you like to hear?"

"Um, Halo," she said softly rubbing her eyes.

"Anything for you, baby," I replied and started singing the song. We were stuck in traffic, so after I finished singing, she had fallen asleep. I gently caressed the side of her face as I stared out of the window trying to place myself in Y/N's shoes to understand how she was feeling. She looked peaceful as she slept. I noticed how much weight she was losing from the not eating. Her skin was pale making the dark circles around her eyes pop out.

"My baby. I wish I could take all of this pain away from you," I said softly. It took us an hour longer to get to the office and Y/N was up with an unreadable facial expression.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I asked her and she looked at me.

"Nothing is wrong. I'm just hungry," she said and looked straight ahead.

"We'll get something to eat after this," I replied rubbing her arm. There was this little water fountain in the room and Y/N looked like she wanted to break it so bad.

"Um, excuse me. Can we turn that off?" I said gesturing towards the fountain.

"Yes, ma'am," someone said and unplugged it making the noise stop. Y/N's grip on the chair eased up and she relaxed.

"Nice for you to join us, Mr. Carter," my lawyer said as he walked in.

"Let's get this over with," he said and sat down.

"Your client has signed over all legal rights to music, money and granted my client full custody of their three children," my lawyer said and Shawn's jaw dropped.

"No, I didn't."

"You did. I have the proof right here. You went over to see my client and had an altercation with her daughter."


"There really isn't anything that you can do. You signed it already," my lawyer replied.

"Can't we work something out? Come on, Bey," he pleaded and I leaned over to whisper something into my lawyer's ear.

"My client would like for you to address her as Ms. Knowles and there is nothing to be worked out. You have time visitation with your children and you will be supervised in case you try to pull anything. No overnight stays whatsoever."

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