Part Four I Getting to know each other

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Tom's POV~

Two minutes into the car ride Y/N fell asleep(A/N this would be me x'D) and she looks so peaceful when she sleeps. I feel my cheeks heat up and Haz notices.

"What are you blushing at?" Harrison smirks

"Nothing" I mutter, looking back at Y/N one more time and Haz sees it.

"mate, do you like her?"

"well, I wouldn't say that I like her just yet since I only met her today but she is incredibly beautiful, breathtakingly gorgeous, extremely cute when she is nervous and her smile is the cutest thing ever! I just want to get to know her more! AND she lives in Kingston so I don't have to be too worried about not being able to meet again."

"aww! little Tommy is crushing!"

"don't call me that!"

I sit back in my seat and start to play Mario Kart on my phone(A/N this is me)

About ten minutes later we're stuck in the 6 lane highway traffic. I hear some shuffling in the back and a big yawn. I look back to see Y/N stretching and waking up from her 12-minute nap.

"well looks like someone didn't sleep for that long"

"TOM! I try and get the most sleep possible(A/N no joke this is me. Last week we went on an all-day field trip and at lunch, I fell asleep on some rocks. True story xD)"

I start to laugh at how mad she got about waking up. Haz also joins in. after two minutes I decide to get to know her better while we are still stuck in traffic.

"so Y/N," I look back to see her looking at me. "can you tell Haz and I about yourself?"

"Alright, I'm 18, I live in Kingston, London, I like music and I play two saxophones! (Add whatever hobby you want :) yes I do play two saxophones, the alto and baritone) I also like to act but that's more on the side"

this made me smile.

"We could maybe act together sometime if you want," I ask

"um, yeah! sure, I'm not too good at acting but I like doing it"

We get to know each other better and Haz also seemed to see her as a good friend. When we pull up to In-N-Out I jump out and open the door for Y/N as any true gentleman should. She thanks me and we head inside.

Y/N's POV~

So we FINALLY made it to In-N-Out after fifteen minutes of horrendous driving. Well, it wasn't too bad but it still was longer than it should've. I understand LA has bad traffic but fifteen minutes for a burger is kinda long(A/N me though x'D).

"what do you want darling?"

"I'll have a normal cheeseburger and a drink please"

"Alright, darling. Haz what do you want?"

"same as Y/N please"

"alright. be back in a bit"

As Tom walked away Haz and I sat down. We chatted about what we do in our free time(A/N what do you do in your spare time? I play video games and wonder why my teacher asks kids what they're rank in Overwatch is. No joke) Tom comes back with a tray with three burgers and three cups. I grab the cup and get some Coca~Cola(or whatever soda you like). when I went back I sit beside Tom. The three of us chat for what seems like hours(but is only 20 minutes) We laugh, chat and have lots of fun. When we are finished we head out and I see an ice cream store. My inner two-year-old won't let me back out of this.

"hey, Tom? can we go to the ice cream store?"

"sure darling! You coming Haz?"

"Is the pope catholic?"

We make our way to the ice cream shop. Tom gets chocolate while Haz gets vanilla. I decide to get cotton candy/ candy floss(or whatever type of ice cream you want), Tom pays and I thank him.

When we get to the car Tom opens the door for me and he sits beside me in the car. I start to get drowsy and I lay my head on Tom's shoulder and I drift off to sleep...

A/N BTW you ate the ice cream BEFORE you entered Haz's car. Again, TRASH but this is my longest yet :D I finished this at 5:25 am and I think this is one of my better ones. 

Have A great day/afternoon/night y'all :D

Word Count: 745

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