Part Nine I Dog walk

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Tom ran up to me and Link. 

"Are you okay? I should've tried to stop him."

I laugh. "Tom! I'm fine! now let's go on this dog walk"

We start to walk down the street and we come to a forest. Tom decides to go inside the forest and Link follows him. The forest is quite nice. Tom and I are having nice conversations when we came up to a lake.

"Alright, Link. you may go in"

I take off his leash and he runs into the water. Tom grabs a stick and throws it into the lake. Link goes and fetches it. 

"That was a nice throw, Tom!"

"Thanks, darling. I bet you could throw better than me"

Link brings the stick back to me and drops it. I pick up the stick and throw it way further than Tom. He looks at me while my eyes are glued on Link running into the lake without a second thought.

"Wow, darling! you throw super far!"

"Thanks, Tom!"

Hanging out with Tom is always nice. I forget that he's a celebrity when we hang out since he acts like a normal person. Sure, having people follow you around with cameras isn't the best thing but he is still a human. I didn't even realize I was staring at Tom until he chuckled.

"what are you looking at darling?"

Now there are two ways this can go, one I lie and two I tell the truth. Screw it, I'm going with two.

"I was looking at you," I say while hiding my face.

Tom walks over and puts a hand on my shoulder.

"It's fine, I don't mind it"

I look at Tom to see him looking at me.

"There's that face!"

I blush and smile at him. I see his face turn the slightest shade of pink. It's time to go get Link. Before I regret it I grab Tom's hand and pull him to the lake(A/N No, he doesn't push you in sadly). Tom holds my hand as well and we walk closer to Link who jumping around in the water.

"Come on Link! It's time to go!" I yell. Link comes running back to Tom and me and he shakes off all of the water. I put the leash back on Link and we start to walk. I suddenly remember that I'm holding Tom's hand but I don't let go so we are walking hand in hand for the walk. We start to walk to an outdoor cafe when we hear someone yell Tom's name. We both turn around to see three boys. One with freckles and brown hair, one with a camera bag with semi-fluffy brown hair and one who was the shortest of the group who had freckles and poofy brown hair.

"Hey! You guys made it!" Tom exclaimed bringing me closer to them

I look at them more then it clicks, it's his brothers Sam, Harry and Paddy.

"yeah! Paddy and Harry saw you so we thought we should say hi." Sam explained

"mhm. Sam was like 'hey! there's Tom! Let's go say hi' and Paddy was like 'should we? He's with someone' and I was like 'who cares'" Harry added.

"also Tom, who is this?" Sam asks

"oh, this is Y/N! She was the one who let me stay at their house last night"

"This is the girl you've been talking all about?" Paddy asks

"yes it is," Tom says, a bit embarrassed.

Sam looks down at our hands and smirks. Tom then mutters a 'shut up' and I can't help but laugh. Link starts to growl which gets all of our attention. I remember where we were going.

"Tom and I were heading to the outdoor cafe near here. wanna join?"

"sure!" Paddy says.

Tom and I turn around and we start to walk still hand-in-hand. I feel glares from Harry and Sam behind us but eh, I don't care. we arrive at the cafe and we sit down outside so I can keep an eye on Link. Let's hope this meal will go well...

A/N TRASHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. I don't know what was supposed to happen so I just let my hands move across the keyboard. If you like this chapter(SOMEHOW) then it wouldn't hurt for you to rate it and give some feedback :) Have a good day/afternoon/night y'all

Word count: 699 words

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