Part Twenty-Six I Netflix and Chill Part One

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March 1st, 2020

6:30 A.M.

Tom's POV~

I've been feeling bad recently. After the new year started I've barely been at home since I've been filming my new movie and when I get home Y/N is already asleep and I don't want to bother her. I wasn't even able to do anything with her for Valentine's day and the rare occasion she is awake when I get home and I apologize to her, she says it's 'okay' when it really isn't. I'm being such a bad boyfriend and I feel like I'm being an asshole. I was able to get the next couple of weeks off to go on a vacation. I feel some movement next to me and I look over to see Y/N starting to wake up.

"Good morning love"

"Thomas? What are you doing here?"

"I got the next 3 weeks off"

Y/N's eyes went large and were full of happiness.


"Really, why would you think I'm lying?"

"You're an actor"

"You got me there"

I got out of bed and went straight to the kitchen for food. Lately Y/N, Ava and Mina hang out at the house for the day while I'm working. She really likes them and I really like them too. Mina and Haz also have a unique relationship and I ship them together. Y/N walks to the kitchen and I smile at her.

"Did you have a good sleep love?"

"Yeah, I did. Did you have a good sleep?"

"I had an okay sleep"


"I don't really know. I was just thinking about life I guess"

"I do that sometimes"

A/N I really do. I came back from an overnight camping trip yesterday(It went from March 3rd to March 5th, 2020, yesterday) and while I was there I really had to think about life. The first night there was a huge gust of wind for about half an hour but I feel like they were calling out to me. The wind was howling, talking to me and even though I couldn't make out what it was saying but the next day I felt like I had a mission to do and I feel like I accomplished the goal and I don't even know what it was.

"You do?"

"Yeah, somedays I feel like the life I'm living is a dream and I'm afraid to wake up if it is."

"This is no dream darling. This is real life"

"That's the problem! I don't know if this is real life. This could be a simulation of some sort for all I know!"

"How about you calm down and I'll make you a tea"


I get a mug out of the cabinet and put it on the island. The kettle was already on the stove with water inside of it. I turn on the stove and look back at Y/N. I've never seen Y/N act like that before and now I'm a bit worried. Even though I've only known her for a couple of months I still have never seen her act that way before. Y/N walks out of the kitchen and into her room. She comes out a few minutes later in some nice clothes(not too fancy).

"do  you have plans today?"

"Not really, I was planning to watch some Netflix and Chill with Mina and Ava but other than that no"

Luckily we don't leave for another two days so we can just be lazy for a couple of days. I hear a knock at the door and Y/N gets up to answer it.

Y/N's POV~

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