Not a part

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 Hey everyone! I wanted to say thank you or 600 reads! I never thought it would get past 100 and this just blows my mind but I need to address why I haven't updated recently.

This morning I found out yesterday(January 23, 2020) my longest friend ever(I've known him since I was two weeks old. We've known each other for over a decade)  his Grandfather passed away last night and not only was my friend crushed, I was too. His grandfather was like a grandfather to me as well. I went to school crying and my teachers helped me but I and my friend are super sad right now.

I've also been SUPER DUPER busy. I had a band clinic for a full day and Band Camp last weekend. I won't be able to update this weekend since tomorrow I'm going to go watch a sports game and on Sunday I'm going to go see Dolittle with my friend who's grandfather just passed.

ALSO! from March 10-12th I will not be updating. I am on a band field trip that's 6 hours away from my city. I want to spend the time with my friends and make memories since I usually am at home with my family so it is nice to get away every once and a while and enjoy the time with my friends.

ALSO ALSO! From July 27-31st I will not be able to update since I'm going on tour with my marching band and this is an 8-hour drive so I can't update.

I am super busy these next couple weeks so I won't be able to get out my new year's chapter for at least a week. I'm so deeply sorry.

Again, thank you so much for 600 reads and Imma make a promise,

AFTER Tour is done and the marching season has come to its end, I will update DAILY. 
Maybe even TWO CHAPTERS DAILY(depending on how much I get done of course xD)

Have a great day/afternoon/night and I hope you understand

~Snowy The Guinea Pig

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