Part Thirteen I Disneyland(part two)

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A quick Tom's POV~

I am SO happy about yesterday. I had so much fun with Y/N and my brothers. I'm also happy I wasn't noticed. I'm also very happy she accepted my invitation to come with me and my brothers to Disneyland tomorrow. When I got to the hotel and checked-in I was too tired to do anything so I went straight to bed.

The next morning Y/N's POV~

I woke up at 5:50 am and I can't go back to sleep. I get up and make some breakfast so I don't have to worry about eating later. I let Link out in the backyard so he could do whatever he needs to. I get a text from Tom. 

Thomas The Dank Engine

5:55 a.m

Hey, you up yet?

Yeah... I woke up and couldn't go back to sleep.

I tried pretty hard to go back to sleep but couldn't

You excited for Disney today?

Yep! I had loads of fun yesterday so today could be better!

Alright, I have to make food for my brothers. See you later

I head upstairs to my room and get changed.  I went back downstairs and ate the remaining pancakes I made. I put the plate and silverware in the sink. After I did the dishes I went to the living room and played Cuphead( A/N if you've never played this gameplay it. It's really fun or if you can't play it LISTEN TO THE SOUNDTRACK. It's my favourite video game soundtrack since I like jazz music and 1930's style music). 

Half an hour later I heard a knock at the front door. I get up and answer it to see Tom, at 6:30 a.m.

"Tom? are we going at this time?"

"We still need to go grab Lisa and we will be stuck in traffic so yeah."

"Alright, let me leave a note for my parents and we can go."

I wrote a note and put it in the fridge. After I was done I went outside and walked to Tom's car. Haz is driving while Sam is in the passenger seat. Paddy is in the second row and Harry is beside him. I get into the third row and Tom sits beside me.

"good morning Y/N. Hope you got lots of sleep"

"well Haz, I woke up at 5:50 but I could've slept longer"

"well we are going to walk a lot today"

"yeah I know"

About fifteen minutes into the ride Paddy needs something to do. So he decides to sing a song to pass the time(A/N when my class went on the overnight trip we needed to walk 9 km(or 5 miles) I needed something to do. So I and my friend decided to sing '99 bottles of beer on the wall' and when I was singing it someone in my class may have threatened to push me down a hill if I didn't stop but he didn't. I got to 310 before my teacher told me to stop. It does pass time)

"ninety-nine bottles of beer on the wall, ninety-nine bottles of beer! take one down pass it around ninety-nine bottles of beer on the wall"

I start to sing along with Paddy and we get down once and we restart again. We continue this until we get to Lisa's house. I was going to get out when Harry got out of the car and went up to Lisa's door.

"Harry wouldn't stop talking about Lisa yesterday" Tom whispered to me

I couldn't help but giggle. It looks like he may fall for her.  

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