Part Twenty-Nine I Premier

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Three months later~
Y/N's POV~
So they finished up Spider-Man Far From Home and I couldn't be more proud of Tom. He worked so hard along with the cast and crew members. Now it was time for the Spider-Man Far From Home London premier(A/N I don't know much about premiers so if I get anything wrong sorry)

"Darling! Are you ready?"
"One minute!"

We're getting ready to go to the Spider-Man Far From Home premier. Harrison was also invited so he's bringing Mina(A/N I know he would most likely bring a family member but just go with it). I've wanted them to get together since they first met.

"Y/N! We need to- holy shi-"

I turned around to see Tom with his mouth wide open. I looked down at my dress.

"You don't like it don't you"
"I love it Y/N. You look stunning"
"Why would I lie?"
"I don't know... to not hurt my feelings?"
"Darling you look amazing and I mean it"

I blush and look away. Since Tom found out about my anxiety I have slowly started to get comfortable in my body. I no longer see myself as ugly and Tom is happy with my progress.

"I am speechless Y/N. You look so good"
"Thanks you do as well"
"Well I'm not as stunning as you darling"
"Thomas Stanley Holland. Shut up"

Tom chuckles and walks over to me. Something about his chuckle makes the butterflies in my stomach go haywire. Something about Tom makes my heart skip a beat.

"Well we need to get going. The premier is going to start soon"

Tom puts his hand out and I take it. He pulls me up off my chair and we walk to the limo waiting out front. Haz and Mina were already in it. When I get in Mina gasps.

"I don't look amazing but I do look okay. You look way better Mina"
"No it's not a falsehood"
"Are you sure about that?"

Mina chuckles and wraps me in a hug. I sit beside Mina and Tom sits beside Haz.

"So Y/N you can just stay by me the entire time, you don't need to walk the carpet by yourself"
"Thanks Tom"
"No problem Darling"

The rest of the way there was a bunch of joking and laughter. when the car came to a stop I took a deep breath and looked at Tom.

"It's going to be fine love"
"Haz do you want to go first?"
"Sure mate"

Harrison and Mina walk out of the limo. I hear a bunch of cheering from the outside world. Tom took my hand and it reassured me everything was okay. I nodded and we walked out of the car. When we stepped out I saw many flashing lights and many screaming fans. Tom smiled at me and I smiled back. We walked down the carpet, stopping for photos every once and a while. When we got to some of the reporters I started to get nervous.

"Tom! Can I have a quick interview?"

Tom nodded and walked over to the interviewer, pulling me over to them. My anxiety started to rise.

"Thank you for your time today. May I ask you a few questions?"
"Of course"
"Alright. So my first question is who is this lovely lady you brought to the premier?"
"Well this is my girlfriend Y/N!"
"How did you meet?"
"Well I was in LA and I decided to go on a walk. When I saw a young boy by himself I helped him home and I met Y/N. The boy I helped was her younger brother"
"Ooh. How long have you two been dating?"
"Since December"
"What's it been like dating Y/N?"
"Well she is amazing. Her heart is so big and she cares for everyone and everything. Not only is she beautiful she is also very talented and I'm so grateful I called her mine first"
"Ah. Well you two are very cute together and Y/N what has it been like dating Tom?"

I felt my hands get sweaty. One thing Tom failed to mention is my anxiety. I looked at the reporter and smiled.

"well Tom is a dork. He is goofy but he is very protective of me. It's nice to know he cares about me and I love him a lot. these past few months have been amazing with him"
"Well I think I took up enough of your time today. Thank you!"

Tom waves and we continue to walk down the carpet. We continue going down the line of reporters.

"So what was it like filming Far From Home Tom?"
"It was super fun and when we would get a hard scene done it felt amazing"
"And Y/N what was it like being on set?"
"well I was only on the set a couple times but it was amazing seeing Tom and the cast filming. They were so passionate about the film and I am so proud of them"
"So do you know how this film ends?"

I was about to give my response when someone hugs me from behind. I look down and see Mina hugging me. Harrison walks up to Tom and they do a bro hug. I look back at the reporter who is smiling.

"Well this is my best friend Mina and I'm sure you know Harrison"
"It is nice to meet you. Do you know how Far From Home ends?"

Mina shakes her head and releases me from her grip. The reporter continues to ask us questions when it's time for us to go. We all head inside the venue. When we walk in Mina laughs and we high-five each other.

"You did it Y/N!"
"Yeah I did"
"Well I'm hungry can we get some food?"

I laugh. Mina is always hungry. We continue to walk around when we get to the cast's room. Tom brings us all inside and I take in the view. A woman approached me and smiled at me.

"And are you Y/N?"
"oh! yeah"

I looked up and saw Zendaya. Now I haven't talked to her mainly because when I was on set I never saw her and I really didn't talk to the cast. Mina smiled and put her arm on my shoulder.

"Tom has talked all about you so I needed to meet you. And is this your friend?"
"Yeah! That's my best friend Mina!"
"Ohhh, you're the girl Haz always talks about"
"That's not surprising," I say chuckling. That boy has a huge crush on her and she doesn't even realize. Tom walked up to us and smiles at Zendaya.

"hey Z!"
"I met your girlfriend"
"I see that"
"I see why you like her. She is amazing. Mina is also amazing"

Tom nods and takes my hand in his. We said goodbye to Zendaya and Mina went to get food and Tom pulled me over to the rest of the cast. I meet Jake Gyllenhaal, Remy Hill, Jon Favreau, Tony Revolori, Martin Starr and some others. After I met everyone Tom went to use the bathroom and a man walked up to me.

"Say are you Y/N?"
"Yes I am- Holy shit"

It's Jacob Batalon. I've heard so much about him and I actually have wanted to meet him.

"I'm Jacob. I play Ned, Peter's best friend and you're Tom's girlfriend right?"
"Yep! That's me."
"Tom has told us so much about you. That boy can't stop talking about you"
"Mhm. He loves you a shit ton"

Tom walks up to us and does his handshake with Jacob. I smile and see Haz with Mina walking up to us. When Harrison sees Jacob they do their handshake. Mina and I laugh at the boys. Tom looks at me.

"So Mina and Y/N, we are the Holy Trinity"
"Ah, I've heard about the Holy Trinity"

Tom smiles and I smile back. We then hear an announcement that we have to make our way to the movie theater to watch the movie. Tom takes my hand in his and we walk to the movie theater. When we get there we sit down in our seats and Tom sits to my left and Mina sits to my right. Mina and I talk until the theater dims and we both point our attention towards the screen to watch the movie...

A/N I GOT A NEW CHAPTER DONE! FINALLY. I'm not too happy with this but it's better than nothing. I'm so sorry it's taken so long to update. I have bene trying to update more but my anxiety has been going up the walls and I can't write that well. I've also been focusing on my Sanders Sides one shots book and I try to update that book every other day. I hope this chapter is good.

Have a great day/afternoon/night y'all

Word Count: 1496

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