Part Fifteen I Beach

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Y/N's POV~

I opened the door to be met with Tom. Link ran down the staircase and jumped on Tom.

"Hey, Link! how are you, buddy?"

Link responds with a happy bark. Tom looks super cute with Link... I feel my cheeks heat up at the sight of Link with Tom. I give Link a quick kiss on his head and grab my hoodie. I put it on and I head out, closing the door behind me.

"Why did you surprise me this morning?"

"why not? I wanted to see how Harry felt when he pranked you"

"very funny darling. well let's get going"

we head to Haz's car and I get in the back seat and Tom gets beside me. We all chat and laugh and have fun. When we arrive I take off my hoodie and sit down. I'm not in the mood to go swimming so I go on my phone. After about ten minutes I put my phone down, going to get ready to have a nap when something picks me up. I look to see Tom holding me.

"Tom put me down"

"Come on darling, we didn't drive one hour for nothing. Plus, you need to get off your phone"

"I was playing TETRIS! (A/N by the way my teacher asked for a rematch and a different teacher also challenged me to a game of TETRIS.)"

"and you're at the beach"

Tom approached the water slowly and every time I tried to get out of his arms, his grip around my waist got tighter.  He walked into the ocean until the water was just barely touching my toes. His grip around me got ever so slightly looser so I was able to free my arms.  I put my arms around his neck and pull him into the ocean but I had to sacrifice myself getting wet. when we popped back up Tom gave me the death stare.

"I hate you Y/N"

"Its a pleasure Thomas"

After I said that he tackled me into a wave. I shot back up gasping for air while Tom started laughing his ass off.

"I hate you Tom"

"we're on the same page now," he said with a smirk.

I walked up to him and put my arms around his neck and he put his arms around my waist. Even though I was holding onto his neck I was able to tackle him into the water.

Tom's POV~

So this morning Y/N scared the living shit out of me by jumping on me while I was asleep. We are having a fun time at the beach and I feel like I should ask her out soon. I am snapped out of my trace when Y/N tackles me into the water. When we get back up I head to shore and sit down. Y/N follows and sits beside me, resting her head on my shoulder.

"Hey, would you maybe like to come to stay with me at my hotel for a month?"

"I um, yeah. Why exactly?"

"Since I won't be able to spend a day without you Y/N"

She lifts her head off my shoulders and her face goes bright red. Without thinking about it I pull her into a hug and she wraps her arms around me. Haz then comes out of nowhere and scares us.

"IM GOING TO GET FOOD! what do y'all want?"

"BLOODY HELL HAZ! I was trying to make sure Y/N was okay and you came out of nowhere!"

"What do you want?"

"I think we're fine Haz. Go get your food"

Haz left leaving me and Y/N at the beach. I was about to ask Y/N if she wanted to go out for lunch when the directors for my new movie called.

"One minute Y/N, I need to take this"

I stand up and walk away from where I was sitting and go sit on a nearby bench. When I answered the call and they told me the news I felt a pain in my chest because of what I have to tell Y/N...

A/N TRASHHHHHHHHHH sorry this was so short! school has been a pain in the butt and my after school activities have been taking up a lot of time. I will do some more parts over the weekend. This wasn't the greatest part but I wanted to get something out

Word Count: 732

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