Part Twenty-Three I Christmas Day

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MERRY CHRISTMAS(to those who celebrate!) Yes I know I am more than 2 days late to update this but I've been busy and we had family come over and my grandma died a year ago so I was very sad. I had written the Christmas Eve chapter before chapter 19 so I already had that one ready.

The Next Day...
Y/N's POV~

I woke up with an arm securely wrapped around my waist. I look over to see Tom sleeping. I chuckle and carefully remove his arm. I get up and look at my phone to see it is December 25! It's Christmas! I don't worry about what Tom will do and I jump on him, shaking him awake.


Tom woke up looking worried. When he saw me he looked way more relieved.

"Darling, you're like a two-year-old child. calm down"


Tom wrapped both of his arms around my torso and brought me down with him onto the bed.

"Tom! I want to get up"

"and I'm bigger than you and I don't want to get up. I would like to see you try to get up from my grasp"

I pout and face away from him. 

"Come on, Y/N. It was a joke."

He pulls me closer to him and I just act like a doll. He is right, I will never be able to get out of his grasp. 

"You leave me no choice, Tom..."

He gives me a confused look and cocks his head to the side. I smirk and take a deep breath.


Tom's eyes go wide and Harrison is in my room in a matter of seconds. He sees that Tom isn't letting me go but he just chuckles.

"Sorry, Y/N. That's not my problem."


Harrison's eyes suddenly go wide. He comes over and starts to pull Tom off my bed. Tom's grip doesn't loosen so I take my arms out of his grip and push myself away from him. When his grip is broken, he gets up and picks up Harrison.

"Y/N! HELP!"

"Thomas Stanley Holland put Harrison down SAFELY"

Tom puts Haz down safely.

"You're welcome Y/N"

"Thank you, Tom"

I walk over to Tom and put my arms around his neck. Haz says 'we should go open some presents now' and Tom picks me up bridal style and brings me to the living room to see the tree stacked with a ton of gifts for us. I jump out of Tom's arms and run over to the tree. I see all the gifts and there has to be at least 100 gifts in total under that tree.

"That's a lot of gifts"

"well, most of the gifts are from us but still, I'd do anything for you darling"

I look at Tom and kiss him on his lips. I then rush over to the gifts to find a gift for Harrison I got for him. Once I found it I walked over to Harrison and gave it t him. Tom then handed me one of his gifts for me and Haz gives Tom one of the gifts he got for Tom. Haz went first. I got him a fancy new camera lens.

"My god! Thank you so much Y/N!"

"It's nothing"

Tom went next. He got a box to hold tea bags and an Ember Mug. A/N AN EMBER MUG is the best mug ever!

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