25 - Miraculous Meeting

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Words: 2245
Chapter Summary: After her day back at school, Alya and Nino came over for support. Marinette had some serious things to talk to them about, and a serious day to follow. They have to get serious, who knows what Hawkmoth is going to do now he knows their identities? Also, how hasn't there been an Akuma yet?
Authors Note: I wasn't sure this was where I was going to take the story. I still have mixed feelings about Chloe, especially after watching the season 3 finale(s). But since this story doesn't follow season 3 canon fully, I think I like it. After re reading this chapter multiple times, I'm happy with it.


For Friday night, Alya and Nino were over to have a movie night and help Marinette through the weekend. It had been a long few days, and it was no secret. Adrien would have been there as well, but he's waiting for his father to get home, and Nathalie advised against him going out so late. She was afraid crazed fans, of him or Chat Noir, would figure out what was going on.

Tom and Sabine gave the kids some time to themselves, so they went out for dinner. They knew Marinette was still dealing with a lot, and she needed to talk to her friends. The video has been out for a few hours, and it's racking up countless views, comments, and opinions. Marinette has yet to look at the comments, and she's not sure if she will.

"I posted my review of your video," Alya told her. "I may be a little biased, but I tried my best to stay unbiased. A lot of my fans are really excited; I haven't seen too much hate on the video."

Marinette shrugged. "I still haven't looked," She said. "But before we start our movie night, I need to tell you guys something."

"Yeah?" Nino piped up.

"Chloé talked to me after school, asked me some questions, and kind of thanked me? I'm not sure what suddenly made her do that-"

Alya laughed. "Ladybug is her role model."

"But," Marinette continued. "Since everyone knows about Adrien and me, and Chloé never made herself a secret... the only main miraculous holders Hawkmoth doesn't know is you two," Marinette began explaining. "Not including the ones that have used a Miraculous only once or twice."

Both their mouths dropped open. "You're so right, dude," Nino said after a few seconds.

"Wait, Chat Noir didn't know it was us?" Alya asked. "I thought that would have been a decision you guys made together."

"No, it's usually only me. We both know the protector of the Miraculous, but I'm the one who gives them out. Mostly because my Lucky Charm tells me when we need the help," Marinette explained. "But, I was thinking, maybe we should tell Adrien and Chloé?" She said, much quieter.

Alya and Nino looked at each other, and back to Marinette. "Really?" Alya asked. "What brought you to that idea?"

"Well, now that Adrien and I know it's, well, us, it's going to be a bit easier to communicate. Hawkmoth also knows Chloé's identity, so right now, there is really no reason not to let her help us if we need it. He doesn't know Rena Rouge or Carapace, but if we know in our group, communicating will be easier," Marinette explained her idea. "I have a bad feeling that now that Hawkmoth knows, the Akuma's are going to get harder and more intense so he can get our Miraculous easier or faster. He's going to start attacking us in our daily lives and homes."

They both nodded slowly as they thought about Marinette's take on what Hawkmoth is going to do. "Sure, I'm okay with telling them. I love being Rena Rouge, and I do think you guys will need our help. Hawkmoth is probably on a high right now that he knows, but in a few days, I won't be surprised if another Akuma rips your roof off," Alya said.

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