49 - Battle

335 12 5

Words: 2268
Chapter Summary: The moment everyone's been waiting for.
Author's Note: I think this is one of the longest chapters of the story and I'm gonna cry. This is basically the last ~real~ chapter because I'm treating 50 as an epilogue. I love this story and I hope you do too! 


Adrien walked through the forest with Plagg flying nearby. He followed the directions Alya left on the table, a little scared of what he might find along the way.

As he walked towards the house, Adrien fiddled with his ring as he got closer, playing through what he was going to say in his head. He kept taking deep breaths as he took a step or heard a strange noise.

Finally, he approached the house. After knocking three times, Adrien was met with his father as Hawkmoth, looking down at him with a smile.

"What are you doing, Adrien?" Hawkmoth asked as he readied his staff.

Adrien tried to bring up his confidence. "I'm sorry I went against you, father," Adrien said. "I want to prove my loyalty to help you," He said.

Hawkmoth looked back at Nathalie, a little confused, but glad. "You know what I'm after."

"Right," Adrien said and pulled off his ring. "Sorry, Plagg," He apologized before he was sucked back into the ring. "I just want my friends to be safe."

Hawkmoth's smile grew sinister as he held the ring in his hand. "They will be; If they follow you. Everyone will be safe then," He promised.

Adrien nodded quickly. "Okay, I can help with that."

Hawkmoth welcomed Adrien into the secret home and gave him a place to sit in the main room. "I'm glad you came to me, Adrien," Hawkmoth said and began prepping things with Nathalie that Adrien didn't understand.

Instead of replying to his father, Adrien pulled out his phone and dialed Marinette's number.

"Adrien!" Marinette shrieked. "Where are you? We've been looking for you all morning!" She said.

"I'm at Hawkmoth's hideout. I went out for a walk, and he caught me and took my Miraculous. Marinette, I need you," He pleaded, and it was clear that Hawkmoth was satisfied with Adrien's cry.

"Oh...my gosh," Marinette sighed. "We'll be there as fast as we can, hang on, Adrien," She promised and hung up.

Adrien looked down at his phone after the call ended. "Perfect," Hawkmoth smirked. "Now, we just have to wait."

A few minutes passed as Adrien sat and fiddled with his thumbs while waiting for his friends. He. was nervous, nervous that they would be disappointed, but also nervous that Hawkmoth would hurt them. It seemed like hours passed while waiting for the heroes to show up, but it was only a matter of minutes.

The three jumped as Ladybug kicked down the door with Rena Rouge, Carapace, and Queen Bee behind her. "Adrien!" She said and ran over to him. Just before she could get to him, Hawkmoth put his staff in between them, blocking Adrien from her. "Adrien, what's going on?" She asked.

"I'm sorry, Mari," Adrien sighed and showed his hand.

"Adrien, what did you-"

"He's with me now," Hawkmoth interrupted. "And if we don't want anyone to get hurt, I suggest you all do the sensible thing like Adrien," Hawkmoth advised.

Ladybug shook her head and stepped back, not believing what was happening. "No, never!" She shouted and grabbed her yo-yo. "I will not give up!" She shouted. Adrien remained in his chair, worried about what could happen, while the rest of the team stood strong, ready to face Hawkmoth.

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