Story Concept

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Jonakir Khelaghar (Playhouse of firefly)

I have a sheer believe that few things we carry in our souls, goes and comes with us in every lifetime. They are not just our profound experiences, but a bit more than that.

We in our relationships always search for the Best, the Righteous, the Honourable and the most Beautiful of them all. But what about those who are not so beautiful, not so righteous, not so honorable and definitely not the best. Are those stories worth telling or reading?

Many times I felt that ordinary stories of ordinary people are most fascinating. While they struggle through life, sitting with their lofty dreams in their little huts and eating their meager dinner.... Are some of them looking at the cold quiet sky looking for their one big purpose in life for which destiny has created them?

When I was a little girl I loved star gazing. Many times in my maternal grandparents house in Kolkatta while sleeping on the terrace under my mosquito net, I conversed with the sky, the darkness, the stars, the moon and then came the Fireflies. I would play with them with my tiny torch or sometimes just interacted with them without words. There were many stories that we exchanged, laughed together and cried too. Today you all feel like my JONAKIS- the fireflies I share my stories with. 

You all loved Mrinu and Biren and asked for a sequel... well this is your sequel.

A story about two imperfect, incomplete souls stuck between different times and space. A love story which plays with the eternity and redefines every reasoning and logics of human love.

Nilu thinks Bukku is the only one for her since the universe came into being... But Bukku a Neurosurgeon and a Scientist of Noetic Sciences... a strictly science guy with set thought in logic and reasoning....of course skeptical about it all. In the end will the scientist in him succeed to lose it all ...

I present to you ...Nilu and Byomkesh (Bukku) story....


Playhouse of Fireflies...

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