Part 15: Reveal

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The next few days were chaotic. Izuku, Ochako, and Eri were all consumed with preparing for the big party in addition to Izuku working and Eri going to school.

"Okay, okay. Think, Ochako. You have this, this, this, Izuku took care of that, that's done, check, that's done. I think that's everything."

She muttered to herself as she checked things off her list.

"Momma! Where do you want these streamers to go?"

Eri asked as she held up the pink and blue streamers.

"You can have papa tape them up above the doorway." Ochako pointed to the doorframe that lead into the kitchen.

Eri rushed off to find Izuku to help her.

"Momma said she wants these taped above the doorframe."

"Oh, she does? Okay. Hold on tight." Izuku instructed Eri as he sat her up on his shoulders.

Eri taped the blue and pink streamers in an alternating pattern of blue then pink and so on.

"Okay, momma. What's next?"

"Momma?" Eri noticed Ochako sitting at the table with a hand on her belly. She almost looked concerned.

"Momma? What is it?"

Izuku placed Eri back on the ground as the two of them rushed over to her.

"Ochako, what's wrong??"

Ochako's lips formed into a warm smile. "Here. Put your hands here."

She grabbed one of Eri's and Izuku's hands.

"I-is that? What is that?" Eri asked.

Izuku smiled. "It—it kicked!"

"This is the first time I've really felt a kick. Ouch! It's a strong baby that's for sure. I'd really prefer for it to not do your shoot style while it's in there though." She winced.

Eri began to rub Ochako's belly.

"There, there. Calm down. Everything's okay. Your big sister Eri is here. Momma, papa, and I are so excited to meet you."

Ochako smiled warmly at the sight but winced again as the baby strongly kicked her once more.

Knock knock

Izuku looked at his watch.

"It's 5:30. The party doesn't start until 6. That means it could only be—"

"Uncle Ida!" Eri exclaimed as she raced towards the door.

"Why hello, Eri. What a pleasure it is to see you!"

"Hi, Uncle Ida!"

Eri smiled as she hugged Ida's legs. Izuku joined the two at the door.

"I hope I'm not too early, but I couldn't bear being simply on time. If you're only on time then you're already late."

"It's great to see you, Ida." Izuku chuckled as he wrapped his arm around Ida's neck.

"Please, come in."

Ida, Izuku, and Eri all joined Ochako in the kitchen.

"Hello again, Ochako. My, my! Your little one seems to be growing just perfectly. This is such an honor to be here today with the three, soon to be four, of you. I can't believe that we get to find out if it's a boy or a girl. The suspense is killing me!"

Ochako tried her best not to laugh. "It's good to see you, Ida."

"Please allow me to help finish decorating and setting out the food. It will be my responsibility to assist Midoriya and Eri. You just continue to sit and relax, Ochako!"

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