Part 19: Darkness

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"Well done, Himiko."

"Ugh. It makes me so sick to see him with her! That interview was horrid." Toga grimaced.

"Now, now, my sweet Toga. She won't be alive much longer."

A sadistic smile grew on her lips at her master's words.

"You're much more fun than Tomura was, master. I can't wait to make her bleed." Her eyes glistened as she held up her scalpel.

"Why aren't you working for him again?" Reprogram asked.

A/N: Reprogram—one of the villain's main sidekicks aside from Toga

Quirk: Brain washing. He can transfer orders into anyone's brain if he places his hand on their forehead.

"He and I got into a little disagreement."

"By little disagreement, you mean almost killing each other, right?" Reprogram chuckled.

"I would have if All for One wouldn't have stepped in. Too bad All Might and the UA brats took care of him years ago. Now the old man's rotting away in a prison cell for good. Who even knows if he's even still alive." She shrugged.

Chains could be heard rustling in the background.

"Y-you won't get away with this, Ultimatum.." Toga, Reprogram, and Ultimatum all turned to the weak, struggling girl.

A/N: Ultimatum—the main villain of this story

Quirk: Telekinesis. He can move, break, and throw objects with his thoughts.

"Now, now, my dearest sweetheart. Did you forget that you have a part in this too? Your time to shine is just about here. Come now. Don't make that face. You'll at least get to see him again. Remember our deal? If you do this, you'll be free."

Once again, she hung her head in shame at her agreement to work with Ultimatum.

She had to do this if she wanted her freedom. It was her only hope of escape.. her only hope of a life with him.


"Yes, master?"

"Go make sure the cells for our special guests are finished. I want them perfect and stocked full of supplies."

"As you wish. I'll make sure there are plenty of supplies."

Shortly after Toga left the room, Reprogram followed, leaving Ultimatum alone with his prisoner.


Toga made her way into a separate, dark room. The only light was a candle setting on the cell "bed".

"Say, now, this is cozy. What do you say that you and I make ourselves at home?"

Reprogram grabbed Toga's wrist and spun her around. Without hesitation, Toga slashed his throat with her scalpel.

"You're lucky I'm being merciful and I didn't go deeper. Touch me again, and that'll be the last thing you do."

Reprogram instantly released her wrist, placing his hands over his new scratch. Luckily for him, it didn't bleed much since she only sliced the surface of his skin.


She sighed. "Yes, master?"

She turned around to see an aggravated Ultimatum. "You know better than to fight with Reprogram."

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