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That weekend Corey helped me move my things to his house. I still hadn't seen inside his house yet. I only saw the outside and the garage when we dropped my things off in a pickup truck we borrowed from his neighbor. The outside of his house was a cute beige colored one in the nice part of town. It looked like one of those adorable colonial homes you'd see in Tinkerbell or something.

I was waiting at the empty apartment for Corey to come and pick me up to take me to my new home after he returned the truck and I gathered a few more small things. Corey looked so different out of work. He was wearing a big hoodie and ripped jeans with black converse sneakers that day, his hair was a bit messier than usual too. He looked relaxed and more natural, I liked it. I'm pretty sure he was wearing women's jeans but they complemented him well.

Then here came Corey. He was in a very expensive looking Audi. My mind was blown, geez what a nice car! I got in and told him just that. "Damn Corey you rich or something? This car is so nice."

"Oh yeah haha I actually got it for my birthday last year, I have a wealthy cousin he likes to buy extravagant gifts." Corey replied.

"Wow how old did you turn?" I asked, wanting to be nosey.

"It was just kinda an important birthday." He said, only vaguely answering.

I then thought to myself, 'Important birthday?? Could he be THIRTY?? Or maybe even older!' This was very concerning to me, after all only old people don't like to say their age right? I mean I wouldn't care if he was like 30 but he seemed so youthful and energetic.

In the car, Corey had the radio on but also had his airpods in. He always had them in, even at work. I wanted to know so bad what he was listening to. I always imagined it was something nice and relaxing like slow jams or something indie like Cage The Elephant. He was mouthing some of the words and chill-vibing but I just couldn't tell what it was. I decided to take his other airpod out of the case and just use it. When I put it in, my jaw dropped. I was expecting Hey There Delilah or something but instead I heard a mess of rock instruments and a white man screaming "DANCE FUCKER DANCE" He was listening to The Offspring. What a surprise! Such a calm soul listening to such angry music.

We then arrived at Corey's house. The beautiful beige home. We went inside and it was decorated gorgeously with a creme and navy blue theme. There was a beautiful marble counter separating the very modern looking kitchen from the elegant expensive hotel looking living room.

Then the cat.

I was attacked.

Corey quickly picked up KitKat, calming him down trying to show him that I was a friend, not foe, then placed the cat on its bed and asked me if I was alright.

"I'm fine, he just scratched me a bit but he didn't break skin." I reassured him I was alright.

I took a moment to look around my new home, everywhere it was beautiful and the color scheme always matched. "Your house is so nice Corey!"

"Oh thanks! My mom helped me decorate."

"Woooow" I was still awestruck looking around.

"Oh hey by the way if you're hungry just grab whatever you want out the kitchen I don't mind. We can go grocery shopping tomorrow for things you like if you want."

Cool thanks! I went to the kitchen and opened the pantry and was astonished to find tons of cup noodles, Little Debbie and Tasty Cakes, candies, chocolates, and Cheetos. I couldn't believe what this guy was putting into his body.

"Corey oh my gosh! So many sweets geez I hope you aren't eating this every day you'll get diabetes!" I yelled.

"Already have it." He said.

"WHAT??" I screamed.

"I'm joking, gawd." He said, laughing.

"That's not funny Corey, you really should be eating better." I said with a serious tone.

He shook his head and looked down at his body and covered himself again. "I know..."

"No, Corey I didn't mean it like that. I just meant that you're my friend and I care about you I hope you're getting a balanced meal every now and then." I said, apologetically.

"Yeah yeah I know, It's not like thats all I eat. Anyways, lets get your things into your room."

"Hey, how about first we celebrate!" I said as I pulled an unopened bottle of champagne out of my bag.

Corey looked at me with worry and said "Oh no, I don't drink." And giggled nervously.

I couldn't think of why he wouldn't drink, but I supposed 'good for him for taking some type of self-care.' he wasn't going to stop me from drinking though. "Well then more for me I guess, let's still take a moment to celebrate though." I said as I started to pour a rather large glass for myself.

We sat on the couch and watched whatever was on, I think it was TMZ or something I can't quite remember. We talked for hours and I drank until I couldn't even stand. I felt goooood... until I fell. I didn't know this until the morning but apparently Corey had to carry me to bed because I was so drunk... embarrassingggg. Gee, great way to start my stay at my new home.

After a few days of staying with him I couldn't help but notice his weird eating habits. He's an odd dude when it comes to food. He seems to be snacking a lot on the unhealthy foods I yelled at him for, but I rarely catch him. He always does it secretively, so I decided to watch him very closely and take note of what I saw.

The next week in the morning before work I came out of my room ready, just waiting for Corey to get done with whatever he was doing. I sneaked into the living room to watch him. He was brewing tea, 'hm that's not too bad' I thought. Then he put in two hot chocolate packets, 'maybe thats a bit much...' Then he took a big spoonful of straight SUGAR and a handful of marshmallows and stirred it into his hot-chocolate-tea. I couldn't keep it in anymore.


I had startled him...oops. He screamed and tripped and fell on his back. "Yes...yes I was Ella. Please don't do that." He said from the floor behind the counter. I apologized and helped him and said I was going to leave him alone for the rest of the morning.

Except I didn't. I watched him again. He shoved a Tasty Cake in his pocket and said he was ready to go. I still have no clue when he ate it, Mr. Secrety-Secrets.

At night, depending on whether it was a weekday or the weekend sometimes he'd have stocked up on lots of fast food. We had dinner together most nights, usually it was just a cup noodles or freezer pizza, and then at some point we'd part ways for the night.

One night I had heard a sound in the kitchen and decided to investigate. It was Corey making more noodles at 1am. I finally caught him!! I secretly knew he was I just had never seen him in the act. I didn't bother him about it though, he seemed truly happy for once, sitting completely peaceful with KitKat and noodles. Poor anxious Corey only getting to relax at this hour. I hoped the longer I lived with him the more comfortable he'd feel to be himself.

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