Corey's Birthday!

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I was super super excited for Corey's birthday!! Not just because he was turning 21 and we'd finally get to drink together, but also because I had been planning for weeeeeks on how to make his birthday the best ever! He was super excited too, sometimes he'd just randomly go 'my birthdays next week!' 'my birthdays in five days!' 'my birthdays on Friday!' it was cute he was like a little kid. The night before, after we got into bed he was almost shaking with anticipation and whispered, 'is my birthday' in the pitch black dark at 12:02am. I just couldn't help but laugh and told him to get some sleep so he can be rested and enjoy his birthday the next day.

I woke up earlier than him the next morning so I could go out and get him all his favorite breakfast from his favorite places so he'd have lots to choose from. I got him a bacon egg n cheese biscuit from McDonalds, pancakes and a chocolate shake from his favorite diner, 2 chocolate cake donuts, and the most obscenely unhealthy taco they sold at Taco Bell just in case he wasn't in the mood for breakfast food. Once he woke up he stumbled out of the room still groggy but excitedly said "Good morning!"


I had startled him with my screaming, he jumped and said, "Wow! You're more excited than me!!"

"Well look what I got you! All your favorite breakfast so you can pick whatever you want!"

He rushed to the kitchen counter where I had set out everything, "Ella omagod! You're gonna make me cryyyyyyyy!"

"Aw Corey don't cry, just go ahead an enjoy your breakfast, I've got other stuff planned for today."

"[Incomprehensible cry talk]" He whined. "I love you."

"I love you too, now I'll be back I'm gonna go get ready."

"Mkay." He said still crying, but now with a mouth full of pancakes.

I left to get dressed and I looked over the rest of the plans I had for the day. I really hoped he would enjoy it as much as I thought he would. When I was done I came back out and I was gone for maybe 10 minutes and Corey was sat at the empty counter just sipping on his milkshake. "Corey uh—" I stared absolutely stunned at the empty counter.


"Di-did you eat all of that breakfast?"

"Well of course I did! Was I not supposed to? You said you bought me all my favorite breakfast."

"I know but I thought maybe you'd just pick a couple things to eat for now... maybe save the rest but damn. I guess that was expected though."

"Hey well it's my birthday you can't judge me!"

"Yeah but if you keep eating like that I you'll have cholesterol levels going through the roof and die of a heart attack at 25!" I teased him.

"Ella... Ella Ellaaaa... It's my birthday. If I want all the breakfast I get all the breakfast cuz it's birthday breakfast! And calories don't count on my birthday!"

"Alright alright, just go get ready okay? We have more stuff planned."


Once he was all ready we got in the car and he asked about a thousand times "Where we goin?? Where we goin?? Where we goin?? Where we goin??"

"Relaaaax we're going to your mom's house. She had some stuff planned for you too."


Once we got there, his mom greeted us very graciously and threw confetti in Corey's face, "Happy Birthday Constantín!!" She yelled, then she want inside and yelled, "Look, Constantín is here!!"

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