I Poked the Bear with a Stick

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It was early Sunday morning and I was stuck cleaning by myself. The day before, Corey had promised to wake up early and help me but there I was alone at 9:00am cleaning all by myself. I started to get a little angry at him, I deserved help if he promised it. I knew what I was risking to wake him up but I did it anyway. I marched into his room and made as much noise as I could. I screamed and banged on the wall and he woke up groaning. I was almost scared what was going to happen. He looked at me with the meanest look I've ever seen, he looked like he was going to kill me. He slowly dragged himself out of bed holding his blanket around his back. He's always been pretty tall but at that moment it seemed like he towered over me. He groaned more and told me in a deep sleepy voice, "Get out."

I actually did leave, I wasn't going to risk anything after seeing that! I went back to cleaning and minding my own business. A few minutes later he came out of his room all dressed but still holding his blanket. His hair was messy and he didn't have his glasses on. His face looked completely exhausted. "Are you going to help me? Where are your glasses?" I said waving a hand in front of his face.

"Don't know." He said with a mean tone.

"Was that to the first or second question?" I asked confused.

"Don't care."

"Uhmm well you did promise you'd help me, so can you go organize your snacks or something?" I asked trying to make sure today was at least somewhat productive. He groaned and went into the kitchen. A few minutes later I went to go check on him and he had actually organized his snacks but he was angrily eating a Twinkie. "You okay? I finished do you wanna go shopping? I'll buy you something."

"Fine." He agreed.

At the grocery store, Corey was more awake and just a little bit less grumpy by the time we got to the store. I was pushing the cart and he was following me from a distance because he wanted to be a grumpykins and not talk to me. I was grabbing a few things and soon realized that I didn't see him around anywhere. I went back into a few isles to see if I've just lost him somewhere. I spotted him up at the front intensely watching the lobster tank. There were two lobsters looking like they were trying to fight but couldn't because they had the rubber bands on their claws. He was bent over watching so close his face was almost touching the glass. "You ever see them do this before?" he asked when he realized I was behind them.

"No I don't think so."

"We gotta set them free." He said to me with a hopeful tone.

"Corey I make almost zero dollars I'm not buying you a whole tank of lobsters." I said giggling a little.

"But you said you'd buy me something." He said whining.

"You can pick out ONE." I said, holding my finger up.



"Ughhh fine. I want that one then, with the pink rubber band." He said, pointing to a lobster.

"Okay Corey we'll come back on the way out to get him." I said.

"How do you know it's a boy? Did you major in lobster biology? Dr. Lobster." He said snootily.

"Fine, it, we'll get it on the way out." I said, irritated.

We went and gathered what we needed but eventually I lost Corey again. Instead of going to look for him I just continued to do my shopping. I was in the pasta isle grabbing spaghetti when I hear over the loud speaker, "Eleanore Dawn Hart-Khatri please come to customer service." I was so mad.

I went to customer service and there was Corey sitting behind the desk in a chair against the wall by the worker lady like a little boy waiting for his mom. I was so mad at him, I really let him have it on the way out to the car. After I finished yelling he said very calmly, "That was for waking me up."

I sighed and said "Fair enough."

"We gotta set the lobster free." Said Corey.

"Hm well, its not very late in the day, why don't we make a beach trip out of it?"

"That sounds nice."

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