That's Very Cash Money of You

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"You think you two would wanna spend the weekend at my house?" Asked Brooks. He's lonely these days. Brooks was 28 and single, he hadn't even really ever had a long, serious relationship before. It was just Brooks the high maintenance, sassy, rich—but generous bachelor alone in his big house. He started to hang around Corey and I more often but I certainly didn't mind, he was lots of fun. He was over at our house and had already poured himself a drink, he sat at the counter all mopey and down.

"I don't know, but why?" I asked.

"Oh I don't know...I thought it would be fun... normally I'm just alone there aside from the maid and you know...general staff." He said, looking down.

"Well what have you got to do at your house?" I asked.

"We can do whatever but I did just drop about 10k on self care products and such...I had sort of a spa day kinda thing planned for myself."


Brooks jumped, startled by my reaction. "You would like to join me?"

"Absolutely yeah!" I said, totally thrilled to have my first rich people spa day, but excited that I could keep Brooks company for the weekend. I went right away to pack an overnight bag. We brought Corey too, he's as much of a fan of home spa days as I am.

Brooks House

Brooks drove us to his amazingly huge manor house. We went through a beautiful gate with a code lock and then down a massive driveway to his big designer modern home. Right in front of the house was a very odd looking but beautifully simple fountain made up of two cubes and a circle arranged in a sort of way it looked like it would tip over. When we went in I was awestruck. The place was huge and modern style. It was very spacious and it felt oddly cold and empty. I walked in slowly, afraid I would break something or make a mess. But then, I accidentally stepped on what sounded like a squeaky dog toy. The sound echoed through the house and immediately following was the sound of a large animal running down the hall towards us. I must've looked visibly afraid because Brooks kicked away the toy towards the hall saying, "Oh sorry, that's just Georgina." Then, emerging from the hall was the most beautiful dog i'd ever seen. It was a fully grown Afghan Hound. The type with the long snouts and fur so long it touches the floor. She was white as snow and the fur on her head was so long it looked like people hair. I'd only seen dogs like that in movies, never ever in real life before.

"Oh my gosh she's beautiful." I said.

Corey was already kneeling on the floor playing with her and speaking to her as if she was an old friend. "Awwww did you miss me Georgina?" He said, petting her passionately. "I brought you your best friend back too" Corey let KitKat out of his carrier and Georgina wagged her tail at him.

"Would you like a tour?" Asked Brooks.

"Oh sure—I'm kinda terrified I'm gonna get lost." I said, following him out of the entry and into one of the living-spaces. He brought me all around his home showing me every room, there were so many, his home was so big. He had 2 kitchens, a million bedrooms, a million long hallways to get lost in, and outside he pointed out a guest house, a pool, and a pool house.

He decided to take me outside to show me the pool. I was completely zoned out and still awestruck of the whole place that I wasn't paying attention to where I was going. "Watch out for Henrietta! Don't step on her please she won't like that" Brooks said to me, pointing to something on the ground.

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