A Day in the Life of KitKat

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POV: KitKat

I am a creature of the night I never sleep... looking out the window as the sun slowly rises. Turning to my slave as he rests, I think his name is Coral? What a silly name for a human, that's that name of my fish toy. I make my way to his resting place. I go to his face and poke at it to make sure he's alive. *Covers nose with paw* I wait. He wakes up and laughs at me... the nerve. He holds me close and goes back to sleep. I want to scratch him but I suppose... I'll tolerate it... so he feeds me extra today. I squeeze out of his grip, I walk out of Coral's room and go to the woman's room. She's rather undesirable, I don't know why he even keeps her in the house. She contributes nothing to me. When she first approached me she did not even provide an offering....how dare she, she just came into this home like it was her own, everyone knows it's mine. She lay there almost lifeless in a deep slumber. I could so easily attack if I wanted... but I suppose i'll spare her for Coral. No one is awake early enough today to provide my first feeding so I suppose I'll do my own hunting today. I walk into the kitchen and spot my first prey. A winged beast lay on the window (It's just a small moth, but he doesn't know that). I must carefully plan my attack. I quickly view all available exit points and decide what to do. I will leap while he's distracted by the light. I leap and jump at him and paw at him until he stops moving. I succeed and feast on his corpse. I truly must be the best hunter in the world, who else could defeat such a beastly opponent such as I have?

POV: Random ass bug outside.

I witnessed something so horrific... so awful I don't think I'll be able to go on the same after this.

I witnessed a murder.

POV: KitKat

I now will rest after my great victory, and wait for Coral to awaken.

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