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It was no secret that Corey likes music. Quite often he'd break into song, no matter the time. I didn't mind it though, I thought it was cute. Hell...I think everything about him is cute. I wondered so much if he thought the same about me, every single thing he said seemed to be completely platonic. 'Have I been friendzoned?' I thought, but that horrified me. My shuddering was interrupted by the sound of Corey very loudly singing Go Away by Weezer. I quickly went out the kitchen to see what he was doing. He was just making breakfast and enjoying his day, I watched until he noticed me.

He jumped when he spotted me watching him. "Gawd when did you get there—how much did you see of that?" He said, blushing.

"Corey I can hear you all the way from my room, there's no hiding it I know you like to break into song a lot." I said.

"Oh—well fun fact I actually broke up with my first boyfriend with that song"


"Yeah he cheated on me like 3 times, and the third time when I found out he was BEGGING for me to take him back but while he was doing that I had that song playing and this was actually by accident but right at the bridge of the song he said something like 'please take me back I'll do better next time' and I sang to him as it played, the line 'That was your last chance' with a big smile and then I winked at him and walked away. Entirely by accident. The universe was on my side that day. Never saw him again."

"Wow that sounds pretty damn epic" I said, genuinely impressed. Even though that probably didn't happen nearly as perfect or as cool as he described it.

"Yeah after that it became kind of a tradition for me. Next relationship I had was with this girl that I broke up with that song Choke but I've never asked someone out with a song, I kinda wanna do that someday."

"That sounds cool" I said, secretly hoping that person would be me.

"Later you should come with me to this party thing at my friends house." He said.

"What kind of party?" I asked.

"A grown up party with al-kee-hol" He said.

"That sounds fun, I can come and make sure you don't drink any 'al-kee-hol'" I said, mocking him.

"I can make sure myself!" He whined back.

"I know but, yeah I'll come." I said. I was excited to go and meet some his friends finally. I was also excited that he invited me to a party. 'Maybe this means he likes me...maybe I'm reading into this too much' I thought to myself. I just made sure to wear something really cute later at the party. To pass some time we went out and got some lunch at the cafe. After we ordered I got to thinking and asked Corey, "Sometimes I feel like we actually don't know each other as much as it seems like we do..."

"Oh? What do you mean?" He asked.

"Well I have to admit Corey, you are a bit mysterious and a little secretive. I know you but everyday it feels like I learn something new about you."

"Hm okay, lets get to know each other then, what's your favorite opera?"

"Corey, what?"

"Your favorite opera—what is it?"

"I—I don't know."

"Hm...your favorite aria then?"

"What? Are you messing with me, Corey?"

"No really, what's your favorite aria? Mine's probably Les Oiseaux Dans La Charmille" He said, casually.

"Oh I didn't know you were a fan of seems a little uncharacteristic for you" I said.

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