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I woke up to the scent of pancakes, something I'm not used to. Usually I'm awake hours before Corey is. I thought 'it can't possibly be Corey in the kitchen, maybe someone is over.' I got up and looked. 'Awwe it's Corey holding a little baby and making breakfast— a baby? Where did Corey get a baby?' I thought.

"Corey where did you get that baby?" I asked.

"Oh good morning!" He said.

"The baby."


"Where'd you get it?" I asked.

The child looked to be maybe 4 years old. I'm not much of a kid-person so to me, any child under 5 was a baby. She was wearing adorable Frozen pajamas. When I asked where he got her she immediately turned around to look at me and said "I'm not a baby!"

"This is my little cousin, Sasha." He put her down and she came over to me.

"Hi" She said.

"Why's she over here?" I asked sounding maybe a bit more bitchy than I should've.

"Oh I was asked to babysit, I figured we could go to the pumpkin patch and make pie after?" He asked me. "You're gonna come yea?"

"I mean sure..." I said.

"Yaay, we also have to take her trick or treating because her parents will be at a Halloween party"

"Dammit, I was gonna go to a Halloween party."

Corey had gasped and covered Sasha's ears when I cursed and said "No you weren't."

"No...I wasn't." I said with a sigh.

After breakfast I desperately tried to bond with Sasha but it proved ineffective, I'm just so weird with kids. When it was time to go to the pumpkin patch I dressed for Hot Girl Fall but Corey's outfit beat me in that category. When he really tries to look good...dang. He had the whole look, beanie, scarf, cute coat, Ugg boots. I swear all he was missing was a pumpkin spice latte. Anyways, Sasha was so cute she was dressed entirely like a little pumpkin including a headband with two little jack-o-lanterns. While we were there, Sasha sat in one of the little wagons meant for pumpkins and Corey pulled her around. She was the sassiest and bossiest little pumpkin I'd ever seen.

"There! I want that pun-kin!" She demanded. Corey would take her over to it and then she'd go "No it's not good I want a different one"

The cycle would repeat over and over until Corey said "Okay Sasha, how about you pick three pumpkins, and if you pick fast enough we'll have time to go home and make pie before trick-or-treating."

"PIE!" She squealed excitedly.

"Yes, now please will you choose some pumpkins"

After mentioning pie, Sasha quickly chose 2 big pumpkins and one smaller one. When we went to purchase them she demanded that she hand the money to the lady so Corey gave it to her and she stood on her tippy toes, barely reaching the counter and handed it to the woman. Then in the car, she cheered "PIE" aaalllllll the way home.

I was excited for pie too, and I thought Corey and Sasha were so cute. When we got home they went straight to wash their hands and I watched giggling at their excitement. Then Corey looked at me with attitude and said "Excuse me miss, you wash your hands too" he said sassily.

"Why? I don't know how to make pie."

"Oh so you thought you weren't helping too? Go wash your hands and bring us a bowl." He said sassily.

"Okay mom" I replied, teasing him.

Corey picked up the smaller pumpkin and began to cut it in half.

"Wait are we doing this entirely from scratch?" I asked.

"YA!" Sasha squealed.

"From scratch is the only way." Said Corey. "Come help me dig out the insides."

"Eeew...fine." I reluctantly helped him spoon out the pumpkin guts and he put them in a tupperware for some reason.

"Bake a pun-kin!" Sasha said.

"What?" I asked.

"That's the next step, we bake it and then scoop out the soft part into a food processor." Corey explained.

We did the rest of the steps with Sasha basically already knowing what to do, so she bossed me around a bit since I was clueless. We had fun though. We made the rest of the pie filling and Corey got mad at me for putting extra cinnamon. We poured it into the pie crust and Corey rolled out a piece of dough then cut a big heart out of it and put the outer piece on top of the pie. Then he delicately folded the edges around the pie so the crust had a cute edge, it was adorable. When it was done in the oven we all had some and talked about trick-or-treating.

"We gotta take Conrad with us too" Corey said.

"Why? Isn't he a little old for that?" I asked.

"Well he still looks young enough to pass for a tall 10 year old and he likes free candy so yes, yes he is but he's gonna do it anyway." Corey replied.

"What are you dressing up as?" I asked Sasha.

"I'm a princess!" She yelled.

"Oh cute. I'm gonna be a witch but in a cute casual way." I said.

"That's just cuz you forgot to buy a costume but you just happen to have a witch hat." Said Corey.

"Yeah whatever but I'm still gonna do it, are you even dressing up Corey?"

"No. But I have a glitter cat ears headband. So I guess I'll be a cat."

I laughed at the irony. "Hey what are you gonna do with the rest of the pumpkin guts? Why didn't you just throw them away?"

"We shouldn't waist any part of it Ella. We'll bake the seeds and then use the guts to bake pumpkin cat treats for KitKat"

"Oh that sounds cool!"


We all got ready for the night and put on our costumes. Mine and Corey's of course being extremely lazy compared to little Sasha's. She had a gorgeous pink dress on that she said her mother made. It had so much tulle that it was almost bigger than Sasha herself. Corey did her makeup and she ran around screaming that she was a real princess. Conrad's costume was just his creeper hoodie and he carried around his Minecraft sword he got from Walmart. When we were ready we just walked around Corey's rich people suburban neighborhood. At each door Sasha squealed "TRICK OR TREAT" at the top of her lungs and Conrad just kinda stood there with her holding out his bag, waiting for candy. It was all very cute. Then we heard from some kid that a house down the street was giving out king size chocolate bars so Corey and Conrad sprinted over with both of them almost passing out at the doorstep, but they were happy to get their candy. We went home when Sasha got too sleepy so Corey picked her up and carried her back to the house. She had fallen asleep in his arms by the time we got there. For the rest of the night us 'grownups' searched and separated the candy but Conrad ate his entire portion right there and fell asleep after having a sugar crash. It was a pretty fun night with all of us together.

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