Valentine's Day

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I really like Valentine's day. The sappy romantic movies on TV, all of the department stores covered in pink and red, the feeling of love in the air. It's absolutely wonderful. Corey and I had planned a wonderfully romantic Valentine's day together, but our plans were interrupted. On February 13th Corey's father, Maksim, had let himself into the house again and told us he was staying for a while. I was a little upset with his timing, I didn't exactly want a Valentine's day with undertones of violence and cigarette smoke. I decided to get over it though, I was just glad I had Corey to spend it with. Corey and I were just spending our Valentine's-eve morning watching TV. He was flipping through the channels while I was on my phone not really paying attention.

"Uh oh—" Said Corey.

"What? What's wrong?" I said, looking up at the TV.

"Looks like something else... much bigger... is going to ruin our Valentine's plans.

On TV was the news channel. The news caster was pointing to a radar and warning about a massive snow storm supposed to hit that afternoon. "Holy Shit!" I said after seeing how big it was going to be.

"What's wrong?" Maksim asked as he came in the living room.

"Look a huge snowstorm is coming today." Corey pointed to the TV.

"Oh fuck. Looks like it'll be pretty bad, no?" he replied.

"Yea—oh no! I better drop off the flowers at my mom's house now then. I was gonna go later but I probably won't be able to."

"Aw you bought your mom flowers for Valentine's day?" I asked.

"Of course I did! You don't buy your mom flowers every year?"

"I mean I had them delivered to her a couple times."

"Well I promised my mother that ever since I moved out that at every occasion I would bring her flowers in person."

"That is so fucking sweet Corey, can I come with you to give them to her?"

"Sure, we better head out now. I'll bring Kitkat too so he can say hi to mom" Corey said, picking up the cat.

"Hey I don't want to be here alooonnnee let me come!" Said Maksim.

"No dad. You cannot come. You know mom doesn't ever want to see you again." said Corey.

"Oh come onn! I'll be nice I promise. Let me go see Yula and I'll buy you all dinner once the storm ends eh? Sounds good?"

As much as Corey knew he should've said no, he just couldn't turn down free food. "Alright fine dad. But you can't come in you stay in the car and I'll ask if she'd like to see you or not."

"Fair enough I agree." Maksim said, grabbing a cigarette for the car ride.

After a short car ride full of cigarette smoke and complaining we finally arrived at Corey's mother's house. He had bought her a beautiful bouquet of roses tied nicely with a pink ribbon. I held Kitkat while he knocked on the door and when she opened it she cheered after seeing us, "Lapochka OH SOO PRETTY!" She yelled, delicately grabbing the bouquet.

"Happy Valentine's mom!" Corey told her.

"Thank you honey, please come in." She excitedly went back inside and exclaimed to the kitchen, "Constance look what your brother gave me!"

Constance emerged stiffly from the kitchen and gave Corey a bitchy look, "It's not Valentine's day yet, idiot."

"Well I brought them early because I was going to spend tomorrow with Ella and then I was going to drop off your flowers later today but there's a snowstorm coming."

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